Experimental Music and Video Studio
The Experimental Music and Video Studio serves as our studio for advanced work in Spatialization (Up to 10.1 surround) and AudioVisual / Electroacoustic Composition. Stereo playback is monitored through Genelec 1037c monitors. 10 Dynaudio BM-5 audio monitors are used for multichannel spatialization.
The studio houses several unique interfaces and instruments including Madrona Labs’ Soundboard, Snyderphonics’ Manta, Monome, Dave Smith’s Tempest Drum Machine, Ableton Push, and Leipzig-S analog synth. Software includes Pro Tools, Logic, Ableton Live Suite, Max, SuperCollider, Final Cut Pro, and more.
This space, like many others, uses Audinate’s Dante audio networking technology, which links it to other musical spaces throughout the building.
Last updated: 2/6/2019