HSK Faculty Receive Grant for New Equipment
Two Department of Health Sciences and Kinesiology faculty, Li Li, Ph.D. and Barry Munkasy, Ph.D., have noted a major challenge in the classroom as students not having easy access to tools that will help them analyze movement patterns and the joint forces accompanying human movement. With the awarding of a Student Technology Fee grant in the amount of $64,415.10, Li and Munkasy are planning to purchase the Ultium Portable Lab from Noraxon. With this purchase, Li and Munkasy are hoping to increase student access to available tools that will provide them with an opportunity to see, visualize and analyze human movements associated with activities of daily living.
The Ultium Portable Lab is a biomechanics lab-in-a-box built on a modular platform that will offer students the flexibility to capture high-fidelity data that will be used for instruction during lab sections of all biomechanics-related courses at Georgia Southern University. The equipment will be housed in the Kinesiology Research Laboratories located on Georgia Southern Statesboro Campus.
Posted in Awards and Recognition, Faculty Highlights