Community Outreach
Upcoming Events
Past Events
Blaze Day
BLAZE DAY was held on September 10, 2022. The event was open to veterans and youth with physical disabilities. Youth had the opportunity to participate in basketball and track and field. Veterans had the opportunity to participate in archery and cycling. All activities were adapted to meet the needs of the participants. Lunch will be provided.
Tai Chi Demonstration
A Tai Chi demonstration was held on April 30, 2022, as part of the World Tia Chi Day activity. Attendees had the opportunity to participate in a Tai Chi demonstration lead by Li Li, Ph.D., professor at Georgia Southern University.
Camp RAD Cerebral Palsy
Camp RAD Cerebral Palsy (CP) was a home-based, hybrid summer camp designed for adolescents ages 12-21 with cerebral palsy. Camp RAD CP used an interdisciplinary approach that utilizes an interdisciplinary team of researchers and clinicians at the University of Georgia and Georgia Southern University. We focused on teaching campers life skills, physical activity skills, and other healthy living skills while having fun.
Camp RAD Virtual (2020)
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Camp RAD was held 100% online in the summer of 2020. We used platforms such as Zoom and Google Meets to see our campers each day and we provided all of our campers with equipment and supplies to keep at home.
Last updated: 10/5/2022