Pre-Professional Block (PPB)

The Pre-Professional Block (PPB) program is committed to collaborating with many P-12 schools, to offer students quality classroom experiences that will add to the body of knowledge, skills, and dispositions that teacher candidates need to become reflective educators who meet the diverse challenges of students in Georgia and across the nation. The PPB program is offered on all Georgia Southern University campus locations, including the Statesboro Campus, the Armstrong Campus, and the Liberty Campus.

This “block” consists of three courses with a practicum (field experience) component:

  • Investigating Critical and Contemporary Issues in Education (EDUC 2110)
  • Exploring Socio-Cultural Perspectives on Diversity in Educational Contexts (EDUC 2120)
  • Exploring Learning and Teaching (EDUC 2130)
  • Pre-Professional Block Practicum (EDUC 2090)

Students enroll in all three courses and practicum concurrently, and will complete the 51 hour practicum, or clinical practice, that meets on the alternate days of your PPB classes (i.e., if class meets M & W, field experience meets on T & Th).  This field experience does not carry course credit, but it must be satisfactorily completed before a student can be admitted to the upper division Teacher Education Program.

Detailed information about the PPB clinical practice is provided at a mandatory orientation session that takes place during the first week of classes. See EDUC 2090 on Folio and check your email the week before classes begin to find times, dates, and locations for orientation sessions.

* PPB Placements are available at a subset of the schools listed in the geographical service region. More information will be provided during semester orientation sessions.

Program Coordinator

Dr. Marlynn Griffin
PPB Coordinator
Phone: (912) 478-0695
Cell: (912) 682-1013

Last updated: 7/26/2023