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National Youth Advocacy and Resilience (NYAR) Research Center

The National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Research Center engages in and promotes scholarly and collaborative research with community partners to assist young people in overcoming conditions that may threaten their safety, health, emotional needs, or intellectual development.
The Center is based on a dynamic complex systems view of five interacting areas (known as the “5H Model”) that impact the academic, social, and emotional well-being of youth:

  • “Head” for intellectual achievement and school leadership,
  • “Heart” for social and emotional skills,
  • “Hands” for safety and protection,
  • “Health” for physical and mental health, and
  • “Home” for family and community support

This model will guide our decision making in order to foster the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical well-being of youth by providing educators, social workers, law enforcement, community leaders, and other adults impacting youth with professional development, research support, and resource assistance across the 5H areas.

Colorful image displaying the five interacting areas of the center, Head, Heart, Hands, Health and Home.