M.Ed. in Special Education – Program Mission & Outcomes
The mission of the M.Ed. Special Education Program is to provide additional preparation to certified teachers to enable them to: (1) research and apply evidence-based pedagogy in all areas of instruction in the P-12 setting for diverse learners with an emphasis on either mild or moderate to severe disabilities; (2) implement the application of principles of educational foundations based on high academic standards and best professional practice in the diverse learning needs of special education students with mild or moderate to severe disabilities; (3) develop school and community partnerships that lead to addressing content in a variety of functional and academic areas so that students are prepared for graduation, post-secondary education, employment, and adult life; (4) use reflective practices necessary to be effective teachers for students with diverse learning needs; and (5) use technological resources as a tool for instruction, as well as for adaptive and assistive devices for students with disabilities in the P-12 setting.
The M.Ed. Special Education Program is an NCATE accredited program aligned with the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) Standards for Advanced Programs, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), Council for Exceptional Students (CEC) Advanced Preparation Standards, and the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) Model Core Teaching Standards.
The program supports the university’s mission of engagement by linking field experiences with coursework and research beginning with the first semester and continuing through every semester until graduation. Teacher candidates are not only taught the concepts of identifying students with potential disabilities but participate in the collection of progress monitoring data, observation of the development of individualized instruction based on current educational standards, and the use of technology, included assistive technology to promote student growth and overall life success. Program faculty are dedicated to excellence in teaching and the development of a fertile learning environment exemplified by a free exchange of ideas, high academic expectations, and individual responsibility for academic achievement.
Student Learning Outcome 1
Student Learning Outcome 1
Upon completion of the capstone course SPED 7630, candidates in the M.Ed. in Special Education Program will identify, plan, and implement appropriate evidence-based teaching and learning experiences for diverse learners based on valid and reliable assessments, incorporating instructional technologies as well as assistive technologies to support access to and learning of challenging content with 80% of candidates scoring at acceptable or higher on a Key Assessment rubric.
Student Learning Outcome 2
Upon completion of SPED 7630, candidates in the M.Ed. program will review data to identify and describe evidence-based practices that will improve teaching, supportive practices, and related services for individuals with exceptionalities and their families; as well as reflect on and analyze his/her efforts in continuously improving school and community programs, supports, and services with 80% of candidates scoring at acceptable or higher on a Key Assessment rubric.
Student Learning Outcome 3
Upon completion of SPED 7630, Candidates in the M.Ed. program will demonstrate the ability to work collaboratively with others such as peers, colleagues, teachers, administrators, community organizations, and parents to improve programs, services, and outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities and their families by 80% of candidates scoring at acceptable or higher on a Key Assessment rubric.
Student Learning Outcome 4
By the end of SPED 7630, Candidates of the M.Ed. in Special Education program will model high professional standards of practice, adhere to codes of ethics, and create supportive environments that safeguard the legal rights and improve outcomes for students with exceptionalities and their families by scoring target in all areas on a Key Assessment.
Last updated: 11/29/2022