Dual Certification-Elementary and Special Education B.S.Ed. Certification Track

The Dual-Certification Elementary and Special Education Certification track leads to initial pre-school through grade 5 (P-5) teacher certification as both a P-5 general education teacher and a P-5 special education teacher.

Program Format

In-person on the Statesboro Campus, Credit Hours: 124

During the program, you will have many experiences in public school classrooms prior to the student teaching semester. All field experiences, including student teaching, take place within a 70 mile radius of the Georgia Southern campus. Explore the Dual-Certification Education program outcomes to find out what you’ll learn.

Upon successful completion of the Dual-Certification program and passing the Dual Certification GACE exam, you will qualify for Georgia’s P-5 teacher Induction certification.

For change of major or transfer questions, please contact the College of Education (COE) Advisement Center directly at 912-478-0698.

Admission Information

The Georgia Southern University Office of Undergraduate Admissions oversees the application process for undergraduate students. During the admission process, ALL students interested in either the single certification or dual certification program must declare the Elementary Education B.S. Ed. Professional Studies (Non Certification Track) as their intended major.  When accepted to the university, ALL undergraduate education majors are admitted into the Elementary Education B.S.Ed. Professional Studies (Non Certification Track) program. For university admission information, please visit the Georgia Southern University Admissions website.

At the completion of all courses, through area F in the program of study, students seeking initial teacher certification would then apply to the Teacher Education Program. (See admission requirements for admission into the Teacher Education Program). If accepted into the Teacher Education Program, the student would move into the Elementary Education B.S.Ed. Certification program in the single certification. For entry into the Dual Certification-Elementary and Special Education B.S.Ed. Certification track, please contact your designated advisor for entry requirements. Those students who are NOT seeking initial teacher certification, would complete the remainder of the program requirements for the Elementary Education B.S.Ed. Professional Studies (Non-Certification Track) program.

“In the dual certification program at Georgia Southern, you grow close to your cohort and your professors, as you spend four years with them and grow with them. — I am very excited to be in my own classroom and shaping the foundation of students’ knowledge,”

— Kimberly Dawn, ’22

Undergraduate Advising

All B.S.Ed. Elementary Education and Dual Certification majors are assigned to a professional advisor in the College of Education (COE) Advisement Center for program planning and course scheduling.  Undergraduate students are advised each term by appointment. Please visit the COE Advisement Center web page for a list of program advisors.

Contact Information

B.S.Ed. Elementary Education & Special Ed.
Dual-Certification Statesboro Campus
Program Director

Dr. Cynthia Massey
Phone: 912-344-2562

Last updated: 5/31/2023