Faculty and Staff
Kania Greer, Ed.D., Coordinator
Greer seeks to develop collaborations, in both formal and informal education, to promote STEM education at all levels. She works with school districts and teachers to develop customized professional development, share teaching resources, and leads all outreach efforts for broader impacts. Greer also assists with writing grant proposals for external funding. If you are interested in how i2STEMed can support your efforts and promote STEM education please contact Greer at kagreer@georgiasouthern.edu or 912-478-2549.
Mary Thaler, Senior Administrative Assistant
Thaler supports the mission and vision of i2STEMed while assisting in expanding collaborations with all post-secondary faculty, school systems, business partners, and research institutions. In addition, she assists with planning and logistics for service projects and programs including STEM School Outreach, STEM To-Go, and Science Olympiad. Contact Thaler at mthaler@georgiasouthern.edu or 912-478-8650.
Last updated: 7/6/2021