Student Scholarships

Undergraduate Student Scholarships

The College of Education offers five scholarships that are available to undergraduate students. Current students can log in to MyGeorgiaSouthern and click the MyScholarships link.  Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to complete your MyScholarships application. The application is good for one year. Students may log in and make updates to the application at any time. If at any time you have questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Admissions by calling 912-478-5391, or emailing

Click on the name of the College of Education scholarship below for more specific information.  All of the scholarships below are listed in the MyScholarship portal.

Zach Suddath Henderson Scholarship

The Zach Suddath Henderson Scholarship.
The scholarship is open to full time students entering their junior year and majoring in education. Applicants are selected on the basis of academic record, personal character, demonstrated talents and commitment to teaching.

College of Education Memorial Scholarship

College of Education Memorial Scholarship
Applicants are accepted on the basis of academic record, personal character, demonstrated talents and commitment to teaching. Applicants must be full time students majoring in a teacher education program.

Herman Lee & Wordna Isabelle Bogan Scholarship for Science and Math Education

Herman Lee & Wordna Isabelle Bogan Scholarship for Science and Math Education
Applicants must be a rising junior or senior science and/or math education major. A 3.0 cumulative GPA must be maintained throughout the award period.
Preference goes to, but is not limited to, a non-traditional student.

Jim & Ruth Miller Scholarship

Jim & Ruth Miller Scholarship
Recipients must be majoring in elementary education, middle grades education or secondary education. Recipients must have and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Financial need, extracurricular activities in school, community involvement and prior work experience will be considered when making the selection.

Rose Mae Bogan Scholarship for Science and Math Education

Rose Mae Bogan Scholarship for Science and Math Education
Recipients must be rising juniors or seniors with a minimum GPA of 3.0 majoring in science or math education. Preference will be given to non-traditional students.

Mary & Duncan James Memorial Education Scholarship

Mary & Duncan James Memorial Education Scholarship
Recipient must be a Pierce County resident, majoring in education. Recipient musts be enrolled full time and should maintain a 3.0 GPA during the award period. Consideration may be given to descendants of AW James and Norris B. Strickland

Victoria B. Zwald Memorial Scholarship

Victoria B. Zwald Memorial Scholarship
Recipients must a rising junior and senior in good standing with Georgia Southern University and has at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA. Recipient should be enrolled full time as an early childhood education or special education major. First preference should be given to students who participate in their communities through extracurricular activities associated with children. All applicants must provide four written references: two personal recommendations and two professional academic references and must submit an autobiographical sketch that includes a statement about teaching philosophy and actual examples of utilizing their teaching beliefs. ** ECED and SPED majors- if applying for the V.B. Zwald Scholarship you must submit references.

J.C. Hunter Memorial Scholarship

J.C. Hunter Memorial Scholarship
Recipient must be a Math Education major with a 3.0 GPA.

Other undergraduate graduate-level scholarships and grant programs

Graduate Student Scholarships

The College of Education offers scholarships that are available to graduate students. Current students can log in to MyGeorgiaSouthern and click the MyScholarships link.  Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to complete your MyScholarships application. The application is good for one year. Students may log in and make updates to the application at any time. If at any time you have questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Admissions by calling 912-478-5391, or emailing

Click on the name of the College of Education scholarship below for more specific information.  All of the scholarships below are listed in the MyScholarship portal.

Bazemore-Fetzer-Hagan Memorial Scholarship (T&L)

The Bazemore-Fetzer-Hagan Memorial Scholarship.
The Bazemore-Fetzer-Hagan Memorial Scholarship was named in memory of Mrs. Connie Bazemore Scott, Mrs. Kate Scott Fetzer, and Mrs. Elise Scott Hagan. Applicants to the scholarship must be teaching in the public school systems of Screven or Effingham Counties. Applicants must be Georgia residents and hold current state teacher’s certification. Applicants must be accepted to graduate school and must be pursuing a graduate degree in education. Preference will be given to applicants teaching in the public schools of Screven, Effingham, Bulloch, Jenkins, Evans, Candler, Tattnall, Liberty, Bryan or Long counties.

Dr. Malcolm Katz Memorial Scholarship (LTHD)

Dr. Malcolm Katz Memorial Scholarship

The Dr. Malcolm Katz Memorial Scholarship was established in 2000 by Mrs. Alice J. Katz in memory of her husband. Dr. Katz was born in New York City and reared in Newark, N.J. After serving in the Navy during World War II, he received a bachelor of science in biology from Rutgers University and a master’s and doctoral degrees from Columbia University. He started his career in Schenectady, N.Y., as an assistant principal at Linton High School and then as an associate professor at Union College. He also formerly served as assistant superintendent of schools in Ridgewood, N.J.; superintendent of schools in East Lansing, Mich., and Oak Park, Mich.; and deputy superintendent of Public Instruction for the state of Michigan. In 1983, he joined the faculty of the College of Education at Georgia Southern University, initially as a professor and later served as a professor emeritus. A nationally-known writer and lecturer of educational topics, Katz served in 1993 as president of the Horace Mann League, an organization committed to the advancement of free public education. Students applying for the Dr. Malcolm Katz Memorial Scholarship must be pursuing a graduate degree in public school administration.

Dr. John Suddath Hall Memorial Scholarship (LTHD)

Dr. John Suddath Hall Memorial Scholarship

The John Suddath Hall Memorial Scholarship was established in 2007 by Mrs. Gertrude C. Hall in memory of her husband. John Hall was a 1966 alum of Georgia Southern, receiving his Masters degree in Education. The scholarship is available to graduate students within the College of Education who are seeking a degree in Educational Administration. Preference should be given to applicants who are currently employed in the education field and are working while pursuing the degree.

Dr. Bryan Deever Memorial Scholarship (CFR)

 Dr. Bryan Deever Memorial Scholarship

The Dr. Bryan Deever Memorial Scholarship was established in 2001. Dr. Deever was a professor of Curriculum, Foundations and Reading within the College of Education. One of Dr. Deever’s most lasting contributions to Georgia Southern University was the creation of the Doctoral program in Curriculum Studies. The scholarship is available to students pursuing an Ed. D. in Curriculum Studies.

Centennial Graduate Education Scholarship

The Centennial Graduate Education Scholarship

The Centennial Graduate Education Scholarship was established in 2008 to benefit graduate level students within the College of Education. The scholarship is available to students seeking a graduate degree in Education. The recipient may major in any teaching, leadership or service field. Recipient should be an active member in a professional educational organization and have a grade point average of 3.5 or higher (on a 4.0 scale.)

Other graduate-level scholarships and grant programs

The Goizueta Foundation Scholars Fund for Latino Educators at Georgia Southern University

During the winter of 2001-2002, The Goizueta Foundation of Atlanta generously endowed Georgia Southern University’s College of Education with funds to support a number of substantial, renewable, and prestigious scholarships for financially needy Hispanic/Latino undergraduates who want to become educators.

Criteria for the Scholarships:

  • Applicant must be of Hispanic/Latino Heritage.
  • Applicant’s family must reside in the USA.
  • Applicant must have a valid Social Security number.
  • Applicant must demonstrate a clear and strong commitment to seeking initial certification as a teacher. This includes:
    • Undergraduates in the College of Education;
    • Undergraduates at GS working on a degree outside the COE as a step toward being certified as a high school teacher
    • M.A.T. students in the College of Education
  • Applicant can be a transfer students from another institution
  • Applicant must demonstrate financial need.

Scholarship funds can be used for on-campus housing, meal plans, books, tuition and fees.

Recipients can apply for renewal of the scholarship every academic year.  However, such renewal is not automatic.  Renewal of a scholarship depends upon : steady progress toward graduation; good academic standing; compliance with the Georgia Southern University Student Conduct Code’ extracurricular activities; and community and/or institutional service such as: tutoring local students and/or recruiting new applicants for this scholarship.

All undergraduates are limited to eight semester of scholarship funds.  All graduate students are limited to five semesters of scholarship funds.

About Roberto C. Goizueta and The Goizueta Foundation:

Roberto C. Goizueta was Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Chief Executive Officer of The Coca-Cola Company until his death in October 1997. He was a native of Cuba and a graduate of Yale University. He established The Goizueta Foundation in 1992 to provide financial assistance to educational and charitable institutions.

For more information contact:
Dr. Scott Beck
College of Education, Dept. of Middle Grades and Secondary Education
P.O. Box 8134
Georgia Southern University
Statesboro, Georgia 30460
Phone: 912-478-0354

En Español

El Fondo de la Fundación Goizueta para Maestros Latinos en la Universidad de Georgia Southern

Durante el invierno 2001-2002, la Fundación Goizueta de Atlanta generosamente donó el dinero necesario para que la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Georgia Southern implementara un número de prestigiosas becas renovables para estudiantes hispanos/latinos que tengan necesidad económica y que quieran ser maestros.

Criterios para las Becas:

· El solicitante debe ser de origen hispano/latino.
· La familia del solicitante debe residir en los EE.UU.
· El solicitante debe tener un número de Seguro Social válido.
· El solicitante debe demostrar un compromiso claro y firme en la búsqueda de la certificación inicial de maestro. Esto incluye:
o estudiantes en la Facultad de Educación;
o estudiantes en GS fuera de la Facultad de Educación como un paso para obtener la certificación de maestro de escuela secundaria; y
o los estudiantes M.A.T. en la Facultad de Educación;
· El solicitante puede ser un estudiante transferido de otra institución.
· El solicitante debe demostrar necesidad financiera.

Los fondos de becas se pueden utilizar para la vivienda en el campus, planes de comidas, libros, matrícula y cuotas.

 Los destinatarios pueden solicitar la renovación de la beca cada año académico. Sin embargo, dicha renovación no es automática. La renovación de la beca depende de: un progreso constante hacia la graduación; buen rendimiento académico; cumplimiento del Código de Conducta de los Estudiantes de la Universidad de Georgia Southern; actividades extracurriculares; y de la comunidad y/o servicio institucional, tales como: la tutoría a los estudiantes locales y/o la contratación de nuevos solicitantes de esta beca.

 Todos los estudiantes sin licenciatura están limitados a 8 semestres de fondos de beca. Todos los estudiantes de posgrado están limitados a 5 semestres de fondos.

Acerca de Roberto Goizueta y la Fundación Goizueta:

Roberto C. Goizueta era el Director de la Mesa Directiva, y Jefe Efecutivo de la compañía Coca-Cola hasta el día de su muerte en octubre de 1997. El era originalmente de Cuba y se graduó de la Universidad de Yale. Estableció la Fundación Goizueta en 1992 para proveer ayuda financiera a instituciones caritativas y educacionales.

Para mas informacion:
Dr. Alejandro Gallard
Goizueta Distinguished Chair of Education

Last updated: 12/22/2023