Sigma Xi

Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society, is the international honor society of science and engineering. The society’s mission is to enhance research and STEM education, foster integrity in science, and promote the public’s understanding of science.

Our local Sigma Xi chapter serves the Georgia Southern University community by providing an avenue for membership in this interdisciplinary society for faculty and students conducting research within any field of pure or applied science.

Benefits of Membership

Through membership to Sigma Xi, science and engineering professionals and students join a community dedicated to research excellence. Members of Sigma Xi enjoy a variety of benefits, including professional development, leadership opportunities, access to career development resources, and funding opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students. The Society also hosts and Annual Meeting and Student Research Conference as well as an online Student Research Showcase. Sigma Xi also provides members with valuable access to science news through its publication of the American Scientist magazine and Sigma Xi Smart Briefs.

Read more about the value and benefits of becoming a Sigma Xi member:

Information on the Grants in Aid of Research Program for undergraduate and graduate students:

How to join the Georgia Southern chapter of Sigma Xi

There are two levels of membership to Sigma Xi, Associate and Full Membership.

Associate Membership is available to any individual that has contributed to an independent research investigation in a field of pure or applied science or engineering. Evidence of this initial research achievement may include a presentation at a scientific conference, primary or co-authorship on a publication (including theses), or significant contribution to an ongoing research project. Most undergraduate and master level students apply for associate member status.

Full Membership is available to any individual that has shown noteworthy achievement as an original investigator in a field of pure or applied science or engineering. This achievement must be demonstrated through publication as primary author on at least two different peer-reviewed journal articles, patents, or refereed monographs.

To become a member of the Georgia Southern University chapter of Sigma Xi:

  1. Fill out the top portion of the nomination form:

2. Email your nomination form, along with your resume or CV, to Dr. Dan Hagan (

3. Use the Georgia Southern Sigma Xi marketplace website to pay your initiation fees and dues:

All students are eligible for reduced membership rates. 

Additional information on membership requirements and the current rates for dues and fees:

Last updated: 1/16/2020