

The Georgia Southern Eagles compete nationally on the Division I level as a member of the Sun Belt Conference. About 400 student-athletes participate in 15 sports. Georgia Southern fields 6 men’s teams (football, baseball, basketball, tennis, soccer, and golf) and 9 women’s teams (volleyball, track and field/cross country, soccer, swimming and diving, basketball, softball, tennis, golf, and rifle).

Athletics Information

Auxiliary Services

Auxiliary Services provides the necessary support and products to meet the educational needs and enhance the lives of Georgia Southern’s campus community, students, faculty, and staff.  Its commitment to excellence and exceptional service is showcased through the University’s Dining, Card, Health, Housing, Parking and Transportation, Printing, and Retail Services departments.

Auxiliary Services Information

Facilities Services

Facilities Services is responsible for developing the building programs for major renovation and new construction, the campus master plan, and maintenance of campus grounds and facilities. Facilities Services maintains the nearly 1,200 acre campus, and more than 5,400,000 square feet of space in about 185 facilities.

More about Facilities Services

Finance and Business Services

The Finance and Business Services Division provides financial and business services for the University. The services provided include financial accounting, accounts payable, cashier’s office, student accounts, budgets, research accounting, payroll, purchasing, property control, records management, and central receiving.

About Finance and Business Services

Human Resources

With more than 3,100 faculty and staff and an additional 3,000 student employees, Georgia Southern University is the largest employer in Bulloch County and one of the largest in Southern Georgia.  The University offers a highly competitive benefits package, competitive wages, and e-learning programs to attract, retain, and motivate a highly-qualified, diverse workforce and continues to strive to be an employer of choice in the region.

Human Resources Information

Public Safety

Public Safety operates as a fully-certified law enforcement agency and handles calls for service and those dealing with criminal acts within the jurisdiction of Georgia Southern. Public Safety is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and employs 44 sworn police officers, all of whom are certified as law enforcement officers by the Georgia Peace Officers Standards and Training Council.

Public Safety Information

Last updated: 1/11/2018