Continuity of Operations Planning

Continuity of Operations (COOP) planning is good business practice and fosters resiliency.

Continuity plans are developed to ensure that Mission Essential Functions (MEFs) will continue under a broad range of circumstances.

What is a COOP?


All Hazards

All Hazards

How does my department develop a COOP plan?


Step 1.

Download the COOP Plan Template.

Planning Team

Step 2.

Describe Your Functions

Step 3.

Identify Your Staff

Step 4.

Develop Your Communications Plan

Step 5.

List Your Critical Facilities and Equipment

Step 6.

Develop a Cache

Step 7.

Develop COOP Procedures

Step 8.

Develop COOP Training and Exercises

Step 9.

Create Quick Reference Guides

Helpful Links

FEMA Continuity Tool Kit

Ready.Gov Business Continuity Plan Business Continuity Suite

Last updated: 3/28/2022