
Common Name: olive
Botanical Name: Olea europaea
Native Range: Mediterranean

A description of the use of olive oil in De Materia Medica by Pedanius Dioscorides, c. 50-70 AD:

The older but oily oil is suitable for use with medicines. In general, every oil is warming and softening the flesh, protecting the body from excessive cold and refreshing to work. It also has the ability to open body and soften, while it mitigates in the mix the forces of the biting means. Also against deadly poisons it is given, where it is constantly drunk and vomited again. It takes to 1 cotyle with the same amount of barley mucus or water taken away; those suffering from convulsions will be given 6 cups of benefit in a decoction of rhombus. The worms also drive it off. But especially it is used against intestinal entanglement. The old one is both warming and more laxative. It is an ointment for clear-sightedness.

Last updated: 1/3/2020