About Us

Facilities Planning, Design & Construction is a service-oriented department within the Division of Facilities Services. The FPDC staff values the community of Georgia Southern University. Beginning with the planning of projects submitted by the campus community, or capital projects to be presented for approval to the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, the staff of FPDC is dedicated to providing the campuses of Georgia Southern University with a safe, functional and attractive campus environment. FPDC works through all stages of planning, design, and construction of both renovation and long-range planning of new construction to provide facilities that will grow with the University.

The Construction staff is made up of experienced project managers and an engineering staff that provides support and additional project management with in-house civil, mechanical, and electrical engineers. By having both construction project managers and engineers involved in the project management of renovation and new construction, the complete delivery of successful construction projects is achieved.

The Planning and Design staff includes an in-house interior designer and landscape architect. Our interior designer collaborates in all facets of the renovation and construction process provides the end users with the most functional space and furnishings that make each renovation and new construction project unique.

Our Landscape Architect provides designs and landscape plans that support the sustainable, natural beauty of our region of Georgia. The welcoming outdoor campus environment enhances the learning and community feel that has become a legacy of Georgia Southern University. The “GSU” hedge that welcomes everyone to the historical side of the Statesboro campus at Sweetheart Circle, the beautiful crape myrtles that line Akins Boulevard as visitors enter campus from the Veterans Parkway Bypass, and the Botanical Gardens provide visitors with memorable landmarks. The addition of the Armstrong and Liberty Campus locations now add the arboretum of the Armstrong campus to provide an additional showcase of landscape and scenery.

Last updated: 1/12/2021