Surplus Property


The Surplus Property division of Logistical Services is responsible for coordinating the disposal and acquisition of all surplus from/for University departments. This includes all equipment whether fit for use or beyond repair. University departments must follow established procedures for disposal and transfer of surplus to maintain accountability. If a department or individual disposes of property without following the proper procedures then they are an “Un-Authorized Disposer of State Property” and are in violation of state guidelines.


Departments may either bring surplus equipment to Surplus or request that the Property Control SEAL Team ( Surplus Equipment and Logistics), formerly ETS, pick up the equipment. If bringing equipment directly to Surplus, ensure that it is accompanied by an Acquisition/Transfer of Equipment Form. If pick up by the SEAL Team is desired, forward a copy of the Acquisition/Transfer Form to Property Control and go on-line to submit a work request through Facilities Services for SEAL to schedule a pickup with the department. Surplus equipment not accompanied by proper documentation may be refused. For equipment not listed on your departmental inventory, you may submit a work request with Facilities Services for SEAL Team pick up.

Surplus Equipment Showrooms

Those surplus items in good, reusable condition will be held physically at our two Surplus Warehouses (375 Lanier Drive Statesboro and 760 King George Blvd Savannah) for a reasonable period of time to allow campus departments to “screen” the material. These items are made available free of charge to departments and can be viewed in person at Lanier Drive between 8:00 a.m. – Noon and by appointment in Savannah. Any item selected at the physical showrooms must be tagged with the following information: individual’s name, department, telephone number, date, and item description. Selected items must be either picked up within five (5) working days by the requestor or a work order submitted for SEAL Team delivery or the material will again be available for screening or reported to State Surplus for redistribution within the State or sale to the public.  Departments wishing to have the SEAL Team deliver the equipment are responsible for submitting a service request form through Facilities Services.

Online Surplus Equipment Showroom

Don’t have time to come out to browse for gently used items for your office or departmental needs? We are proud to announce that surplus property is now available for viewing and obtaining online in our Virtual Surplus Showroom. You will have the ability to select items, choose to either pick them up yourself or have them delivered via a work order through our SEAL Team (Surplus Equipment And Logistics), formerly ETS.

Please use this link to shop till you drop.

How to use Virtual Surplus Showroom

The site is set up similarly to other common online ordering sites and is easily navigable. Below is a link for step by step set of instructions with screen shots for your convenience; however, we at Property Control/Surplus are happy to help or answer any questions you may have. With this being a new site for us, we would also welcome any suggestions.

Last updated: 6/23/2022