Eagle Leadership


To ensure a successful future for Georgia Southern, it is important to prepare our future leaders with the resources needed to succeed. The Eagle Leadership program creates a learning environment, which establishes a solid foundation of leadership competencies.

EagleLeadershipEagleHeadsThe Eagle Leadership Program is an 11-month leadership course designed for faculty and staff and coordinated by Human Resources. The program is focused on developing leaders, creating an environment to promote University relations and collaboration among University leaders. Candidates are nominated by Georgia Southern’s divisional vice presidents for their dedication, leadership skills and potential professional growth. The program honors new scholars at their November capstone graduation.

Throughout the course, participants are involved or take part in the following topics/events:

  • Employment Law
  • High Impact Leadership
  • Improving Communication Skills
  • Practical Problem Solving and Decision Making
  • Developing People: Coaching, Counseling, and Training
  • Handling Conflict and Criticism and/or Building Trust and Teambuilding
  • Personality and Leadership Traits
  • Dealing with Difficult Personalities
  • President’s Cabinet roundtable discussions

The program is aimed at identifying, informing and investing in future university leaders while creating opportunities to collaborate with other leaders on campus.

Expected Outcomes

  • To develop future leaders at Georgia Southern University by increasing participants’ knowledge of our university.
  • Provide future leaders with skills and tools to more effectively manage and lead people
  • Inspire participants and influence greater commitment and loyalty to Georgia Southern

The Eagle Leadership Program is designed to prepare participants for higher-level responsibilities at the University. Participation, however, is not a guarantee of future promotional opportunities. Instead, the program is a leadership development tool.

Program Director:
Rebecca Carroll
Associate Vice President of Human Resources
912-478-MYHR (6947)

COBA Faculty and guest speakers

Last updated: 11/7/2019