Holiday Calendar

Calendar Year 2024 Schedule

According to the Board of Regents policy, each institution within the University System of Georgia is allowed thirteen (13) paid holidays each calendar year for employees at the institution. After consulting the academic calendar, and President’s Cabinet, we have adopted the following Calendar Year 2024 Official Holiday Schedule for Georgia Southern University.

New Year’s DayJanuary 1st (Monday)
MLK DayJanuary 15th (Monday)
Memorial DayMay 27th (Monday)
JuneteenthJune 19th (Wednesday)
Independence DayJuly 4th (Thursday)
Labor DaySeptember 2nd (Monday)
Thanksgiving HolidaysNovember 28th & 29th (Thursday and Friday)
Winter BreakDecember 25th-31st (Wednesday through Tuesday)

Note: The University will close for the Winter Break from Wednesday, December 25th through Tuesday, December 31st. This would allow the University to be closed for 8 consecutive days which includes January 1, 2025.

Classes will not be held during the week of Thanksgiving. If employees want to take Monday through Wednesday off, they will need to follow procedures to request annual leave or comp time.

All regular benefited employees working full-time or part-time 20 hours or more per week will be paid for the holidays. Non-exempt employees scheduled to work on a holiday will be given 8 hours of holiday pay plus pay for the actual hours worked on that holiday.

Calendar Year 2025 Schedule

According to the Board of Regents policy, each institution within the University System of Georgia is allowed thirteen (13) paid holidays each calendar year for employees at the institution. After consulting the academic calendar, and President’s Cabinet, we have adopted the following Calendar Year 2025 Official Holiday Schedule for Georgia Southern University.

New Year’s DayJanuary 1st (Wednesday)
MLK DayJanuary 20th (Monday)
Memorial DayMay 26th (Monday)
JuneteenthJune 19th (Thursday)
Independence DayJuly 4th (Friday)
Labor DaySeptember 1st (Monday)
Thanksgiving HolidaysNovember 27th & 28th (Thursday and Friday)
Winter BreakDecember 25th – 31st (Thursday through Wednesday)

Note: The University will close for the Winter Break from Thursday, December 25 through Thursday January 1, 2026. This would allow the University to be closed for 8 consecutive days which includes January 1, 2026.

Classes will not be held during the week of Thanksgiving. If employees want to take Monday through Wednesday off, they will need to follow procedures to request annual leave or comp time.

All regular benefited employees working full-time or part-time 20 hours or more per week will be paid for the holidays. Non-exempt employees scheduled to work on a holiday will be given 8 hours of holiday pay plus pay for the actual hours worked on that holiday.

Last updated: 10/10/2024