Exhibit: The Georgia Open History Library (GOHL), on display at Lane Library in Savannah Aug. 29-Sept. 12, 2022, and at Henderson Library in Statesboro Sept. 12 – 26.
The Georgia Open History Library (GOHL) is an open-access (online) library of nearly
fifty digital editions. University of Georgia Press has partnered with a diverse group of
statewide non-profit organizations to present the digital library and this traveling exhibit,
which Georgia Southern University Libraries will host this September. GOHL makes
available scholarly works and primary source documents about Georgia’s history from
the founding as a colony up to statehood and beyond.
Explore GOHL’s traveling exhibit at Lane Library from August 29th to September 12th and
at Henderson Library from September 12th to September 26th. Browse the printed books
on physical exhibit and the digital library via a tablet.
GOHL includes studies of Adams and Jefferson; the American Revolution in Georgia;
the Creek Nation; the papers of Revolutionary War general Lachlan McIntosh and the
colony’s visionary founder James Edward Oglethorpe; and records of the German-
speaking Protestant Salzburger settlement. The titles also focus on how Georgia
navigated its relationship with Indigenous peoples, other colonies, international
diplomacy, as well as its place in a new nation.
For more information contact Caroline Hopkinson, chopkinson@georgiasouthern.edu , 912-344-3019.

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