Policies and Practices

Policies are the same for all libraries unless noted otherwise.

Library Computer Use Policies

Access to computers and necessary software are provided by the libraries on both campuses. Use of most computers requires an authorized user login. Printing for currently enrolled students is provided by the Student Technology Fee.

Henderson Library Computer Use Policies.

There are 400+ Windows computers for students located in open areas on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors. 12 iMac computers are located in the Learning Commons. All general use computers are connected to shared printers.
Every study room is equipped with a computer. All computers require users to login with their My.GeorgiaSouthern credentials. Library Catalog terminals are located at the 2nd floor help desk and on the 3rd and 4th floors to help with finding books. Computer assistance is available at the 2nd floor help desk.

What am I allowed to do on Library Computers? Can I download music?

The Zach S. Henderson Library has set rules and regulations on computer use as necessary to ensure that all library users have free and equal access. Patrons are only allowed to use one workstation at a time. The library reserves the right to prohibit the use of its computers for activities not directly related to research, study or administrative functions. You must adhere to the copyright law which prohibits the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted materials, except as permitted by the principles of “fair use.” Users may not copy or distribute electronic material, text, images, programs, data or sound/video clips, without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. Any responsibility for any consequences of copyright infringement lies with the user. The library expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility arising from access to or use of information obtained through its electronic information system, or any consequences thereof.

What do I do if someone near me is using a computer to view pornography?

Sometimes library computer users may view material from the Internet which may be considered offensive to others. If a library computer user finds themselves offended then they may go to the nearest help desk and report the offense to the library employee on duty. Because the library employee in most instances cannot determine whether the offensive material is for academic purposes, the library employee cannot ask the viewer to cease unless the viewer is a minor or there is absolute certainty the viewing has no academic purpose. The library employee will ask the complainant if they would like to move to another computer away from the viewer of the offensive material. If the complainant says “yes” then the library employee will assist that person by finding an available computer away from the offensive material being viewed. Otherwise, the viewer will be asked to relocate to another computer and they will be assisted with moving to an available computer away from public view to ensure no one is offended by the material and the viewer can continue their academic work.
If a library employee can determine with 100% certainty the offensive material being viewed is not for academic purposes then the library employee reserves the right to ask the viewer to cease. If the viewer refuses to cease then one or more actions may be taken:

  • they may be asked to leave the library with or without campus security
  • they may lose computer use privileges
  • they may appear before the University Judicial Board
  • any other action deemed necessary by the Library Administration

Lane Library and Learning Commons Computer Use Policies.

  1. All public access computers in the Lane Library and the Learning Commons are intended for the research and information needs of Georgia Southern University students, faculty and staff. When computers are in heavy use, priority must be given to Georgia Southern affiliated individuals wishing to use the computers for their intended purpose.
  2. Lane Library adheres to the the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia Appropriate Use Policy. Using the network for commercial activity, viewing sexually explicit materials, and other disruptive or unlawful activities on the Library computers are prohibited. Patrons participating in such activities will be asked to cease immediately. Continued inappropriate activity may result in suspension of Library privileges and other action as necessary.
  3. For information on copyright issues, see the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia Policy on the Use of Copyrighted Works in Education and Research, and Lane Library’s Copyright Policy

For additional policies on computer usage, please see University’s Information Technology Services policies page.

Last updated: 3/8/2023