Henderson Library Gets a Glow Up
Georgia Southern Libraries is excited for our Summer Glow Up project at Henderson Library on the Statesboro campus! From May 8th to July 28th, we have been renovating the first and second floors of the library to create an even more beautiful and inspiring space for our students and faculty. Phase 1 of the Glow Up has been completed, and Phase 2 began on June 12th. The project involves repainting and refreshing the spaces to create a more welcoming and modern atmosphere.
During the Glow Up, the 3rd and 4th floors of the library will remain open for general use, and library services will continue to be available throughout the summer. Please check out our Summer Glow Up libguide for more details about the project, including a facility map, and to stay up to date on any changes or updates.
We understand the importance of providing high-quality facilities for our faculty and students, and we appreciate your patience during this renovation process. We look forward to unveiling the refreshed space and hope it will enhance your experience at Henderson Library.

Posted in Henderson Library