About Pregnant & Parenting

How Does Title IX Protect Me?

Title IX protects pregnant and parenting students from discrimination. This includes pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, miscarriage, or recovery from any of these conditions. It is illegal to exclude a pregnant student from any part of an educational program due to their pregnant and parenting status.


Absences related to pregnancy and childbirth must be excused as long as your doctor deems the absence medically necessary (i.e., for doctor’s appointments, bed rest, recovery, etc.). Documentation may be requested by the Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX. As part of this process, you may work with professors for an opportunity to make up missed work. Please see the Pregnancy Accommodation Request Form below for assistance.

Lactation Space

See Lactation & Parent Resource Spaces on our website for more information.

Accommodations & Adjustments

Any special services provided to students with temporary medical conditions must also be provided to a pregnant student in need of those same services. Reasonable adjustments may include, but are not limited to:

  • Larger desk
  • Frequent bathroom breaks
  • Parking adjustments
  • Flexibility with attendance and deadlines
  • Makeup/online work
  • Incomplete in course
  • Course withdrawal or replacement

Pregnancy Accommodation Request Form

For assistance with pregnancy accommodations, please complete our Pregnancy Accommodation Request Form. This will allow us to begin working with you to explore possible accommodations and adjustments to fit your needs. You will also have an opportunity to upload documentation through this form. Documentation may include:

  • Appointment confirmations
  • Online health portal printout
  • ER summary
  • Doctor’s note


We are committed to maintaining your privacy. Information you share related to pregnant or parenting status will not be shared with others, including your faculty, unless you give us permission to share it. If you have questions about the safeguards in place to protect your privacy before submitting a written request, please give us a call at (912) 478-5136.

Campus Resources

Academic Success Center

Student Parents are defined by the Academic Success Center (ASC) as a student at Georgia Southern who is expecting a first child or a student at Georgia Southern who serves as the primary caregiver for a dependent. The ASC’s team of professional staff can assist student parents in orientating to the higher education landscape, navigating the nitty gritty of time management, honing their academic skills, and staying consistent with goals. You can find more information on the ASC’s Student Parent landing page. Consider joining the ASC for an Academic Skills Workshop, signing up for an Academic Skills Consultation or Academic Success Coaching Session, or checking out the ASC’s Semester Toolkit to make this your best year yet.

You can contact the Academic Success Center at asc@georgiasouthern.edu or 912-478-5371.

Childcare Access Means Parents in School Program (CCAMPIS)

CCAMPIS is a federal grant funded 100% by the U.S. Department of Education. This program supports the participation of low-income student-parents enrolled in postsecondary education through the provision of campus-based childcare services. These services include a subsidy of up to $150 a week paid to participating Quality Rated childcare centers. In addition to minimizing childcare cost, CCAMPIS will partner with on and off-campus resources to support and motivate student-parents toward the successful completion of a Bachelor’s degree. This program is for Armstrong and Liberty Campus students.

To learn more about this program, including eligibility requirements and how to apply, visit the CCAMPIS website or view this resource. For questions, contact Marvette Wilkerson at (912) 478-0255 or mwilkerson@georgiasouthern.edu.

Additional Resources

You may find additional information about your rights and resources as a pregnant and parenting student through the following links:

Pregnant and Parenting Brochure

Pregnant & Parenting Rights and Resources Card

Discrimination Based on Pregnancy and Related Conditions: A Resource for Students and Schools (U.S. Department of Education)

Supporting the Academic Success of Pregnant and Parenting Students (U.S. Department of Education brochure)

Title IX Coordinator

For more information about your rights, contact the Georgia Southern University Title IX Coordinator:

Amber J. Culpepper, J.D.

(912) 478-5136

Last updated: 2/23/2024