President’s Diversity Advisory Council (PDAC)

The President’s Diversity Advisory Council (PDAC) is a critical component in creating and maintaining an inclusive campus environment. PDAC is comprised of faculty, staff, and administrators from multiple academic disciplines and administrative departments. Each Georgia Southern campus is represented on the Council. 

The focus of PDAC is to assist with identifying Inclusive Excellence opportunities, developing strategies to address those needs, and implementing programs that advance and enhance diversity and inclusion throughout our campus community. The Council works with the Associate Vice President for Organizational Effectiveness, Leadership Development, and Inclusive Excellence to identify diversity related opportunities and develop the best strategies to address them. 

In order to get input from a cross-section of the Georgia Southern campus community, PDAC utilizes a committee structure that includes faculty and staff who desire to be a part of moving our institutional work forward. 

College Level Diversity Councils

To further our inclusive excellence efforts, colleges, divisions, and special groups created committees to focus on diversity, inclusion, and sense of belonging. These unit level committees are composed of faculty, staff, and students and they assist in advancing inclusive excellence strategies that are in alignment with Pillar 3 of Georgia Southern’s strategic plan and the Inclusive Excellence Action Plan.

Council Members

Dr. Kyle Marrero
Office of the President

Dominique A. Quarles, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President of Organizational Effectiveness, Leadership Development, and Inclusive Excellence
Office of Inclusive Excellence, President’s Division

Dr. Karelle Aiken
Professor College of Science and Mathematics
College of Science and Mathematics

Dr. Dustin Anderson
Associate Provost for Student Success
Provost VP Academic Affairs

Dr. Elise Cain
Assistant Professor College of Education
College of Education

Dr. Checo Colon Gaud
Associate Dean of College of Graduate Studies
Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies

Dr. Francis Desiderio
Associate Dean
Honors College

Ava Edwards
Director of Alumni Relations
University Advancement

Gleen Hart
Senior Associate Athletic Director for Student Athlete Development

Jessica Hersey
PCard Administrator
Staff Council

Dr. James Karnes
Associate Professor College of Health Professions
Waters College of Health Professions

Dr. Raymona Lawrence
Associate Professor College of Public Health
Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health

Katrina McNair
Chief Audit and Compliance Officer
Internal Audit, Risk and Compliance
President’s Division

Dr. Malerie Payne
Associate Director of Assessment and Outreach Initiatives
Enrollment, Marketing and Student Success

Kurtis Purtee
Police Support Services Captain
Business and Finance

John Schlipp
Head of Research Services & Librarian Professor
University Libraries

Dr. Stephanie Sipe
Professor, Legal Studies
Parker College of Business

Dr. Mark Taracuk
Training Director
Counseling Center
Student Affairs

Dr. Ana Torres
Associate Professor, Spanish
College of Arts and Humanities

Dr. Dina Walker-DeVose
Associate Professor, Human Development & Family Science
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

Dr. David Williams
Associate Dean
Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing

Academic Colleges

Academic CollegeChair and Dean
Allen E Paulson College of
Engineering and Computing
Chair: Dr. David Williams
Dean: Dr. Craig Harvey
College of Arts and HumanitiesChair: Ana Torres
Dean: Dr. David Owen
College of
Behavioral and Social Sciences
Chair: Dr. Dina Walker-DeVose
Dean: Dr. Ryan Schroeder
College of EducationChair: Elise Cain
Dean: Dr. Sharon Subreenduth
College of
Science and Mathematics
Chair: Dr. Karelle Aiken
Dean: Dr. Michael Huggins
Jiann-Ping Hsu College of
Public Health
Chair: Dr. Raymona Lawrence
Dean: Dr. Stuart Tedders
Parker College of BusinessChair: Dr. Stephanie Sipe
Dean: Dr. Allen Amason
Waters College of
Health Professions
Chair: Dr. James Karnes
Dean: Dr. Whitney Nash
Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies Chair: Dr. J. Checo Colón-Gaud
Dean: Dr. John Kraft
Honors CollegeChair: Dr. Francis Desiderio
Dean: Dr. Steven Engel
University LibrariesChair: John Schlipp
Dean: Dr. Lisa Carmichael

Central Units

Central UnitChair and Dean
President’s DivisionChair: Katrina McNair
President: Dr. Kyle Marerro
Academic AffairsChair: Dr. Dustin Anderson
VP: Dr. Carl Reiber
Business and FinanceChair: Kurtis Purtee
Interim VP: Ron Stalnaker
Student AffairsChair: Dr. Mark Taracuk
VP: Dr. Shay Little
Enrollment Management, Marketing, and Student SuccessChair: Dr. Malerie Payne
VP: Alejandra C.
University AdvancementChair: Ava Edwards
VP: Trip Addison
AthleticsChair: Gleen Hart
Director: Jared Benko

Special Interest Groups

Special Interest GroupChair and Dean
Faculty SenateChair: Ed Mondor
Staff CouncilChair: Jessica Hersey

Last updated: 3/4/2022