Tournaments & Leagues
Groups or Organizations interested in hosting their tournament at the Georgia Southern Golf Course should contact the Director of Golf, Marten Olsson at (912) GSU-GOLF for course availability, fees, and all related arrangements.
Faculty, Staff & Friends
When: Every Tuesday @ 5:30pm, from March 22nd thru September 13th
Registration: $25 – includes cart, greens fee, a bucket of range balls and prizes! Call the Pro Shop to sign-up.
Take a break to enjoy the weather with your friends, colleagues, and the opportunity to compete for prizes in this weekly 9-hole scramble. Register as yourself or a pair and join us for an evening of relaxed fun and casual play!
Please call the Pro Shop (912-478-4653) before noon on Tuesdays to reserve your spot.
CRI Golf Championship – only for GS Students faculty & staff
When: Friday, October 6, 2023
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Tee Off: Shotgun start beginning at 1pm
Where: GS Golf Course
Get out on the links and participate in the annual CRI Golf Championship to crown Georgia Southern’s top golfer. This is a competitive, stroke-play event in which participants can compete for tournament prizes in contests for Longest Drive, Straightest Drive, Longest Putt, Closest to the Pin, and Hole-in-One contests for a chance to win $10,000 and other prizes.
CRI Golf Open – only for GS Students faculty & staff
When: April 5, 2024
Registration Deadline: April 2, 2024
Tee Off: Shotgun start beginning at 1pm
Where: GS Golf Course
Get out on the links and participate in the annual CRI Open Golf Scramble. Competitive, Recreational, and Faculty/Staff divisions are available for this 2-person scramble event in which participants can compete for tournament prizes in contests for Longest Drive, Straightest Drive, Longest Putt, Closest to the Pin, and Hole-in-One contests for a chance to win $10,000 and other prizes.
CASSEGA Grand Slam
When: TBA
Tee Off: Shotgun start beginning at 9:30am
Where: GS Golf Course
Golfers will tee-up for more than just a round of golf. They are playing for abused and neglected children in Bulloch, Effingham, Jenkins and Screven Counties. The 2021 CASSEGA (Child Advocacy Services SEGA, Inc) Grand Slam will benefit Ogeechee Visitation Centers and CASA Ogeechee. It’s super easy to play in the CASSEGA Grand Slam or the CASSEGA Mini Grand Slam! Draft your PGA Tour Squad and watch the Live leaderboard on the TDJ golf app. The in-person tournament this year will be the finale of the 2021 CASSEGA Grand Slam.
Willie J. Burden Memorial Golf Tournament
When: TBA
Tee Off: 12 p.m.
Where: Georgia Southern Golf Course at University Park
Georgia Southern University Sport Management program is proud to present the 4th Annual Willie J. Burden Memorial Golf Tournament sponsored by Vaden Nissan of Statesboro on October 25, 2019. This student-run event is a great start to Georgia Southern’s Homecoming weekend. All proceeds from the golf tournament and all other gifts associated with the Willie J. Burden Memorial Fund benefit scholarships to deserving sport management students. You can sign up to play and/or sponsor the event by visiting
Jaycees Annual Charity Golf Tournament
When: TBA
Tee Off: TBA
Where: GS Golf Course
Join us in this tournament to support Camp Dream. Let’s improve the quality of life for children and young adults with special needs
Last updated: 1/7/2025