Submitting Your Proposal

Submissions will be made via Google Form this year and are due by March 2nd, 2025. The submission portal will close at 11:59 pm on March 2nd, so please plan ahead!

Projects can be in the form of oral presentations, posters, panels, performances, and creative inquiry and is open to all disciplines and colleges. Accepted poster submissions get one poster printed for free via the Eagle Print Shop. Additional posters are not free.

You must confirm that your advisor approves your intent to submit before your proposal will be accepted. To Submit a Proposal, you will be asked to provide the following information:

  1. Eagle ID
  2. Name
  3. Email
  4. Mentor/Faculty Advisor Name(s)
  5. Mentor/Faculty Advisor Email(s)
  6. College Represented
  7. Department
  8. Status (UG, G, COUR-COSM, Honors)
  9. Campus (Armstrong/Statesboro)
  10. Presentation type (oral presentation, poster, performance, panel, other)
  11. Title of Presentation
  12. Abstract (150 words maximum)

You will be prompted by email at a later date to submit your poster and approval for archiving should you select that medium. Posters submitted through that solicitation will be printed free of charge on your designated campus of attendance. Posters should be prepared and submitted by April 4th. You are also welcome to print your own poster through your college if that is an option.

Last updated: 12/12/2024