F.A.Q. for Students

Where is the Office of Student Conduct located? 

The Office of Student Conduct in Statesboro is located in the Russell Union on the 2nd floor (room 2022) behind the large wooden doors and in the same suite as the Dean of Students Office.

The Office of Student Conduct in Armstrong is located in the Student Union on the 2nd floor (room D206) in the Student Affairs suite.

Where can you view the Code of Student Conduct? 

The Code of Student Conduct can be found online here

Where can I file a report with the Office of Student Conduct? 

You may file a report online here

This form provides an avenue for all faculty, staff, and students to report disturbing or suspicious activity to the Dean of Students Office. Incidents can include (but not limited to):

  • Violations of the  Code of Student Conduct
  • Violations of Law
  • Suicidal Ideations
  • Abuse of alcohol or other drugs
  • Classroom Disruptions
  • Drastic change in behavior/hygiene
I got an email to schedule an appointment, now what?

Make sure that you click on the link and schedule a meeting with your hearing officer. It is important to attend your appointment. Be on time and please be prepared to discuss the incident. A decision on your situation has not been made yet, so it is important that you show up for the meeting to explain your side of the situation.  If you fail to show a decision will be made in your absence.

I can’t make my meeting. What should I do?

If you have a legitimate excuses please contact the Office of Student Conduct to reschedule at 912-478-0059 for Statesboro and 912-344-2514 for Armstrong/Liberty.

Will my parents be notified? 

If you are found responsible of an alcohol/drug violation and you are under the age of 21 your parents/guardians will receive a notification letter after the hearing and/or once a decision has been made.

Why do I have a conduct hold on my student account? How do I get my hold removed to register for classes? 

Holds can be placed on an account for various reasons and can prevent you from registering for classes. Log onto your Wings for a description of what the hold means. If it is a conduct hold please refer to the description and complete your sanctions. If you are unsure what to do please contact our office and we will explain the reason for the hold to you.

What is the alcohol policy at Georgia Southern?

Georgia Southern University has a 3 strike alcohol policy. 

Can I get in trouble for an incident that happened off campus? 

Yes, the Office of Student Conduct receives off-campus reports as well.

Can I contest the academic penalty in an academic dishonesty case?

No, faculty members choose the academic penalty for their class which is typically stated in the syllabus as to how they would sanction students found responsible for academic dishonesty.

However, you may go to a formal board hearing to determine if you are responsible or not, but if found responsible through this process the faculty member’s academic penalty will stand.

If my academic dishonesty case is not resolved by the end of the semester, what happens to my grade?

The professor will enter a grade of “I”(Incomplete) and will submit a change of grade form once the final decision is made to reflect the appropriate grade earned in the course.

Can I appeal a decision?

Yes, but only decisions made through a formal hearing officer or formal board.  You can find out more information about the appeal process here

Last updated: 8/20/2019