A reminder to all Georgia Southern students, the Counseling Center is always available to help students. Call 912-478-5541 (Statesboro) or 912-344-2529 (Armstrong/Liberty) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Need a same-day appointment for an urgent issue? Contact the Counseling Center to schedule a same-day solution session.

Students can also view a more extensive list of resources (including additional 24 hour resources) here.

The University System of Georgia has also partnered with UWill to provide five free individual counseling sessions to students. To access those services, please click here and create an account with your Georgia Southern email.

Our workshops are free and open to all students!
What’s happening at the Counseling Center:

Contact Us

Statesboro Location
PO Box 8011
Forest Drive, Building 435
Statesboro, GA 30460
Phone: 912-478-5541
Fax: 912-478-0834

Armstrong Location
7000 Compass Point
11935 Abercorn Street
Savannah, GA 31419-1997
Phone: 912-344-2529
Fax: 912-344-3437

The Counseling Center does not schedule appointments online or by e-mail as confidentiality cannot be ensured over the internet.

If you are concerned for the immediate safety of yourself and/or others, call 911. The Counseling Center also maintains 24/7 crisis access. Students can call during business hours and request to be transferred to the crisis counselor, or when the center is closed, can call 912-478-5541 and select option 2 from the voicemail menu. After-hours crisis services can also be used by campus partners needing a consultation about a student of concern.