Medical Withdrawal
The Medical Withdrawal at Georgia Southern University exists for the purposes of allowing students who have been diagnosed with a medical condition that has significantly impaired their performance within a given semester, to request to be withdrawn for that semester.
The deadline for Spring 2025 semester is Monday, May 5th, 2025 at 12:00 PM Eastern time.
About the medical withdrawal
The Medical Withdrawal allows students to request to be withdrawn for that semester based on a medical condition that has significantly impaired performance. As such, the process is predicated on the basis that a diagnosis of this severity would cause impairment in all academic functioning; that the condition would not discriminate between subjects. Thus, Medical Withdrawals are meant to be “all or none,” not selective withdrawals from only some courses. There are rare situations in which a medical condition may prevent attendance in only a select course, and these situations will be evaluated on a case by case basis. Medical Withdrawal applications are made to the Medical Withdrawal committee by completing the online application, which includes uploading medical documentation.
The committee will evaluate the application based on whether the request and submitted documentation demonstrates that the student has a diagnosed condition, that the condition is being/has been treated, that the condition did cause significant impairment in the student’s ability to perform to their typical/expected academic level, and that the student is/has pursued treatment to prevent said condition from impairing academic performance in the future.
The medical withdrawal process is not meant to be an accommodation for students who have diagnosed, chronic conditions. Students who have such conditions should contact the Student Accessibility Resource Center to have necessary accommodations put into place for viable access to their courses.
What are the limits of a Medical Withdrawal?
Students who apply for and receive two consecutive medical withdrawals on the basis of the same medical condition will have a hold placed on future registration. Such students will be required to submit medical documentation showing that they have had a recent medical evaluation, and that their treatment provider does not anticipate any further academic interference from their documented condition. Once said documentation is approved by the medical withdrawal committee, the hold will be lifted from the student’s ability to register.
How do I apply for a Medical Withdrawal?
1. Go to the online Withdrawal Request form
2. Select “Medical Withdrawal” from the drop down menu as the type of withdrawal being requested.
3. Complete ALL sections of the on-line form. Missing information will cause the request to be delayed or denied.
4. Upload the required Medical Documentation (see below for a description of what constitutes sufficient medical documentation.)
5. Submit the on-line form.
What to expect after you have submitted the request
1. If any necessary information is missing, you will receive an email notifying you that your withdrawal request is incomplete and cannot be processed. You will be instructed how to complete your request.
2. If your request is denied, you will receive an email notification of this decision and the option to proceed with a Voluntary Withdrawal (which will result in grades of WF if submitted past the voluntary withdrawal deadline) or to discontinue the process, which will result in you remaining enrolled in your courses.
3. If your request is approved, only the approval (all of your medical information and documentation will remain confidential with the medical withdrawal committee, comprised of mental health and medical professionals) will automatically be routed to the Registrar, Financial Aid Office, Housing, & Eagle Dining Services. Once all offices have signed off on the process, you will receive an email confirmation that your withdrawal is complete. Please expect this process to take 1-2 weeks.
What constitutes necessary medical documentation?
Medical documentation must confirm the medical condition upon which the Medical Withdrawal request is being predicated, and must speak to how the medical condition has negatively impacted the student’s ability to perform at their typical academic level. Examples: A letter from the medical provider stating the student’s medical condition and a recommendation that a medical withdrawal be granted, hospital discharge papers showing that the student was in the hospital for a period of time, a medical excuse recommending that the student abstain from class attendance for a period of time, etc.
In addition to the Medical Withdrawal, graduate students have the option of applying for a MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE (MLOA). Graduate students experiencing a prolonged medical condition may apply for a MLOA from their graduate program. A MLOA grants the graduate student a 1-year (2 consecutive long semesters) absence from their degree program. Any student who anticipates needing an MLOA for a period of 3 or more semesters should contact their Graduate Program Director. To apply for a MLOA, the graduate student will need to submit a written request explaining their situation and supporting medical documentation to the Executive Director of the Counseling Center. If the documentation supports the request, a recommendation will then be made to the College of Graduate Studies to allow the student a MLOA. The Executive Director of the Counseling Center can be contacted at:
Dr. Jodi Caldwell
P.O. Box 8011, Statesboro, GA 30460
Important Financial Information
Students are urged to contact the Office of Financial Aid, and the Registrar’s Office before applying for a Medical Withdrawal to inquire about any impact a medical withdrawal may have on their current and future financial aid, as well as fees owed, etc. It is not the responsibility of the Medical Withdrawal Committee to investigate the financial impact of the withdrawal on the student.
Students who live on-campus must be aware that once their medical withdrawal has been approved, they will be expected to immediately move out of on-campus housing. Any questions regarding pro-rating the housing contract must be addressed with the housing department.
Please note: An application for medical withdrawal does not guarantee that the request will be granted. All applications will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and may be denied.
Last updated: 3/4/2025