Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX

Who is the Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX?

The Office of Equal Opportunity (EO) & Title IX (TIX) is responsible for policies related to protected class discrimination and harassment. Protected class discrimination and harassment includes discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex (including sexual harassment and pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, religion, age, veteran status, political affiliation or disability. Anyone who believes they have experienced discrimination or harassment based on one of these protected classes, including sexual misconduct or sexual violence, can file a complaint directly with this office through the following link:

Phone: 912-478-5136

How EO & Title IX Can Assist:

  • Receive complaints for sexual misconduct (i.e., sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, dating violence, domestic violence, etc.).
  • Receive complaints for other types of harassment and discrimination (i.e., directed slurs or insults, different treatment by faculty or employers, violence, etc., based on a protected class).
  • Listen to and provide support and resources to victims, accused individuals and witnesses.
  • Answer questions and provide information on the Sexual Misconduct process.
  • Answer questions and provide information on the nondiscrimination process.
  • Serve as a bridge between the complaint process and other resources on and off campus.
  • Facilitate adjustments and accommodations for pregnant and parenting students.
  • Respond to complaints of possible retaliation.
  • Provide confidential reporting options to individuals who experience sexual misconduct or other forms of harassment and discrimination. 

Who are Responsible Employees?

Georgia Southern employees are considered Responsible Employees who must report to the Office of EO & TIX any information they hear or receive that could be considered sexual misconduct. Sexual misconduct includes sexual harassment, dating and domestic violence, nonconsensual sexual contact, nonconsensual sexual penetration, stalking and sexual exploitation.

What do I do if an individual discloses sexual misconduct or other protected class discrimination or harassment?

  • Interrupt compassionately to thank them for trusting you and to let them know you are a Responsible Employee and must report to the Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX. Do not promise confidentiality.
  • If someone is seriously injured or there is an immediate threat, call Public Safety. If there is no injury or immediate threat, give the individual the option of calling Public Safety.
  • Focus on the individual so they feel supported, safe, and heard.
  • Review appropriate resources in the H.E.R.O. folder.
  • Advise the individual of confidential reporting options (Counseling Services and Health Services for students or Employee Assistance Program for employees).
  • Don’t promise outcomes, comment on whether a violation occurred, or ask blaming questions, such as “Were you drinking?” or “Aren’t they your boyfriend/girlfriend, though?”
  • Submit an EO & TIX Incident Report: 
  • Reach out for support for yourself afterward by contacting your supervisor or chair/director, EO & TIX, Human Resources, or the Employee Assistance Program.

Last updated: 1/23/2021