Postvention Protocol
The purpose of this document is to provide a clear postvention protocol following the death by suicide of a student, faculty or staff member of the Georgia Southern community. Postvention is defined as provision of psychological support, crisis intervention, and other forms of assistance to those affected by a campus suicide. The postvention plan is a collaborative campus-wide effort to deploy a timely approach and response to trauma and grief reactions. This approach is best facilitated when pre- planned. The Postvention: A Guide for Response to Suicide on College Campuses resource put together by the Higher Education Mental Health Alliance (HEMHA) Project was utilized as a guide for the development of this response protocol.
The process of dealing with a campus death by suicide requires intentional timing, sensitivity, and thoroughness. Effective interdisciplinary coordination and communication after a campus suicide can streamline postvention efforts, reduce errors and provide comprehensive support to the community.
Last updated: 10/16/2023