First Generation Students
The Counseling Center’s mission and work is rooted in the idea that the spirit of inclusiveness, a global perspective, and a sense of community are essential conditions of life. We want to support all students, including those who are first in their immediate family to attend college. The Counseling Center is available to help all students in being successful in their overall college experience.
Mental Health Services and Resources
If you are concerned for the immediate safety of yourself and/or others, call 911. The Counseling Center also maintains 24/7 crisis access. Students can call during business hours and request to be transferred to the crisis counselor, or when the center is closed, can call 912-478-5541 and select option 2 from the voicemail menu. After-hours crisis services can also be used by campus partners needing a consultation about a student of concern.
How do I know what mental health services are right for me?
Navigating higher education can be challenging! Regardless of your issue, concern, or problem, you are welcome at the Georgia Southern Counseling Center. We have affirming and supportive staff who can assist you in your presenting concerns and many students might seek counseling for concerns that are unrelated to their first generation student status.
Mental Health Services at Georgia Southern University
- Individual counseling is available at the Counseling Center to those students enrolled at Georgia Southern University. Individual counseling involves meeting one-on-one with a counselor for approximately 45 to 50 minutes. Not sure who you want to meet with? Feel free to check out our staff biographies, inquire during your intake appointment, or call and ask who might be a good fit.
- The Georgia Southern University Psychology Clinic is a low-cost organization which provides mental health services to the Statesboro area.
- Need a brief appointment to talk about an issue? Call the Counseling Center to set up a Solution Session. These same-day appointments are brief, solution-focused meetings to assist with reducing distress and creating a plan for moving forward.
Georgia Southern University Resources
- First Generation Students at Academic Success Center
- Workshops and Consultations at the Academic Success Center
- Getting Support From Peer Mentors
- Operation First Generation
- McNair Scholars Program
- TRIO Student Support Services (Armstrong)
- Career Resources for First Generation College Students
- Office of Career and Professional Development
- The Writing Center at the University Libraries
- Academic Success Center’s Semester Tool Kit
Other Resources
- How to Build Your Network as a First-Generation Student
- Understanding Academic Terms and Jargon (handout)
- Tips for Supporting First-Gen Students (handout)
- What to know as a First Generation College Student (US News & World Report)
- First in the Family resource page
- FirstGen helps fund internships for careers in social justice
Last updated: 5/9/2024