Faculty Resources
When working with students with disabilities, you may find it helpful to have information on the topics listed below. We have compiled useful information that may assist you when working with students with disabilities and designing your courses. We are always available for consultation should you have any questions or concerns not covered by the information below.
- Working with Students with Disabilities
- New Faculty Training
- Classroom Technology
- Syllabus Statement
- Utilizing Test Proctoring
Faculty Appeal of Reasonable Accommodations
Faculty members are course content experts. If needed, the SARC may negotiate specific academic accommodations with instructors. The student is responsible, however, for providing an accommodation letter and reasonable notice that he/she is requesting accommodations. Professors will receive a list of approved accommodations via the Accommodation Letter process. If the instructors have any concerns about an approved accommodation, they should contact the SARC Director immediately. Since federal regulations require such issues to be settled in a timely manner, professors should move quickly to make their concerns known.
If the professor and the SARC Director are unable to reach an agreement concerning an accommodation, the SARC Director will notify the Dean or Assistant Provost of the issue. The Vice Provost will be responsible for resolving the matter.
Last updated: 1/15/2021