Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

What is SGA?

SGA is the Student Government Association of Georgia Southern University, modeled closely to our Federal Government. SGA Officers and Senators are elected every spring semester or are appointed by the current members to fill vacancies.
The elected positions are:

  • President
  • Executive Vice President
  • Vice President of Business & Finance
  • Vice President of Academic Affairs
  • Vice President of Student Engagement
  • Vice President of Special Programs
  • Vice President of Inclusive Excellence
  • Vice President of Armstrong and Liberty Affairs
  • Senators for First Year Students 
  • Senators At Large 
  • Senators from each College (Number of seats vary by college):
    • Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing
    • College of Arts and Humanities
    • College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
    • College of Education
    • College of Science and Mathematics
    • Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies
    • Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health
    • Parker College of Business
    • Waters College of Health Professions
    • Honors College

What does SGA do?

The Student Government Association’s pillars of success are service, growth, and advocacy. Therefore SGA is responsible for:

  • Enhancing student life
  • Contributing opinions and information to the colleges and university leadership regarding student concerns
  • Providing support to individual students, student clubs, and other organizations.
  • Sponsoring and hosting programs and community service events on campus

What is the process to join SGA?

The best way to join Student Government Association, is to run in our elections! SGA conducts yearly elections in the spring preceding the upcoming academic year. The intent to run forms typically open in mid-February and voting take place the last week of March. You can learn more about our elections process here.

If you’re looking to join the Student Government Association during the current academic year, vacancies are filled as they become available. Interested students can express their interest by completing our interest form linked here. It is important to note that there are not always vacancies available and submitting the form does not guarantee an offer to join.


When does SGA meet?

SGA Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month 5:30-7:30 PM with consideration given to existing dates on the university calendar that could pose a conflict. We would love to see you there!

See the full schedule and meeting locations here.

How does SGA represent me?

The SGA Senate meets each week to discuss current campus issues and events. Being that the Student Government Association is an official part of the Georgia Southern University system, the SGA has the ability to pass resolutions, request meetings, write letters, and perform other actions to voice the student body’s concerns in ways that are more effective than individuals or other groups. The SGA officers also meet regularly with the university’s administration and faculty to voice concerns from the student body. We strive to constantly improve our great university to insure we reach our highest potential.

Students can find their current representatives here.

How do I submit a concern?

There are 2 ways that students can submit concerns to SGA:

  1. Come and join us for weekly Senate meetings! Students are welcome to sit in the gallery, observe the proceedings, and actively participate by raising questions and concerns directly to the Senate body. Each Senate meeting includes an open forum section where members of the gallery can voice their concerns to the Senate. Our current meeting schedule can be found here.
  2. Students can fill out our Concern/Suggestion Form linked here, or you can email us directly with your concern. You can find our email addresses here.

Have additional questions? Feel free to contact us using any of the methods listed on our contact page.

Last updated: 5/14/2024