Lot Closures for Maintenance (Spring Break)

During Spring Break, Parking and Transportation will be performing maintenance projects in several lots around campus. This schedule is subject to change based on project priority, weather, and surface conditions. We ask that you familiarize yourself with these closures and plan accordingly. When possible, notice signage will be posted in these areas the day preceding each closure.

All Week, March 13-17
Re-striping Various Intersections

We will be repainting some of the intersection markings within the parking lots. Travel lanes with wet paint will be indicated by orange cones and removed once dry. Exercise courtesy and caution when traveling by these areas.

Re-striping stall lines throughout Lot 42.

During the week, our staff will migrate through all areas of Lot 42 to complete re-striping which began last March. Blocked areas may impact traffic flow through the lot.

Friday, March 17
Re-striping stall lines in faculty/staff area between the Herty and Hollis buildings (0201 & 0200).

We will be painting the interior rows of the lot, completing the re-stripe project which began last March. On this date, the lot will be closed by 7am to all vehicle traffic, including golf carts, university vehicles, contractors/vendors and ADA spaces. The lot will not reopen until 5pm. Please plan accordingly when arriving to campus. The map below indicates nearby parking available during this time.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation as we improve these lots. Please contact our office with any questions or concerns.


Posted in Lot/Road Closures, Maintenance