Rules and Regulations Establishment


These regulations are established by Georgia Southern University which holds ultimate authority for administering and enforcing traffic and parking regulations on the Georgia Southern University campus. The University reserves authority to make changes as needed in parking areas, traffic flow patterns and such other changes as traffic conditions warrant. Prior notification of such changes (except on an emergency basis) will be made to the University community.

The regulations shall be in effect in all areas of the Georgia Southern University campus and in off-campus areas owned or leased by the University. They are intended only to supplement the State of Georgia Motor Vehicle Laws, all provisions of which apply to this campus. “Motor vehicle” includes every vehicle that is self-propelled.
*No personal golf carts or UTVs are allowed on campus.

The purpose of these regulations is to facilitate the safe and orderly conduct of University business and to provide parking facilities in support of this function within the limits of available space. If you have any problems or questions concerning these parking regulations, please contact Parking and Transportation, which is open from 8 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday excluding holidays.

Students are required to observe these regulations as a condition of attendance at the University; faculty and staff members are required to observe them as a condition of employment.

Parking and Transportation is responsible for the implementation and enforcement of the University’s parking regulations, as well as the placement and maintenance of parking and traffic control devices.

A Parking and Transportation Committee representative of students, faculty, and staff shall be appointed each year. This ten-member ad hoc committee shall be composed of two faculty members appointed by the Faculty Senate, two staff members appointed by the Personnel Committee, four students appointed by the Student Government Association, and two at-large members appointed by the Director of Parking and Transportation.

This Committee shall solicit and study proposals for changes and improvements and shall consider problems of a significant nature affecting the success of the Parking and Transportation program. The committee shall advise the Director of Parking and Transportation on all substantive operational procedures. This committee is also responsible for hearing appeals arising from parking citations and other actions of Parking and Transportation.

The University shall have no responsibility for loss or damage to any vehicle or its contents while operated or parked on the Georgia Southern University campus.

Last updated: 5/24/2023