ADA Parking

Ensuring that disabled persons on each Georgia Southern University campus have an easy way to access transportation services is one of our top priorities.
Disabled Persons
Temporarily Disabled Persons
Temporarily disabled persons who have their motor vehicle properly registered and who have secured a “temporary access permit” may at any time, park their vehicle in any ADA marked parking space WITH A HANDICAPPED TAG OR PLACARD. They are also required to have an active parking permit for the Georgia Southern campus.
Permanently Disabled Persons
Permanently disabled persons who have their motor vehicle properly registered with a State-issued license plate or hangtag may park their vehicle in any ADA marked space. All regular parking fees associated with a campus parking permit still apply.
Transit Services
Traveling on Southern Express (Statesboro Campus)
Our Transit Service runs during classes, final exams, football game days and Spring commencement to provide for more convenient off-site parking. The Transit Service does not run when classes are not in session, during campus holidays or between semesters. Each bus is equipped with a ramp/lift so that disabled persons may enter and exit comfortably.
Intercampus Shuttle (Statesboro/Armstrong shuttle)
For any student or F/S member that needs transportation between campuses, we provide a shuttle between campuses that is equipped with an ADA lift. (Shuttle schedule)
For further questions, please contact the Student Disability Resource Center or visit their website
Last updated: 12/20/2023