Upcoming Lot 41 road/parking lot closure for Feb 24-25, 2018

Sending on behalf of Facilities Services:
“On the Statesboro Campus, the IAB parking Lot 41 will be closing on Saturday, February 24 due to scheduled roof work at the IAB building. The west end of the parking lot will be closed, between the Central Energy Plant and the construction fence. We will provide access to the IT building from the parking lot beside the Central Energy Plant. The drive aisle to the Carroll Building and the parking area adjacent to the Arts Building on the east side of the parking lot will also be closed. Pedestrian access will be provided to the Arts and Carroll buildings. This area will reopen on Sunday, February 25, 2018.”
 Please contact Sandi Wilkinson at 912-536-3175 with any questions.



Posted in Lot/Road Closures, Maintenance