Armstrong Campus Faculty/Staff FAQs

  • When must I have my permit?
    Beginning this fall semester Monday, August 19, all vehicles on the Statesboro and Armstrong campuses must have a valid parking permit to be eligible to park without getting a citation. We will extend a grace period through 8/31/2019 for Armstrong Campus faculty and staff.
  • How can I pay for my parking permit?
    University faculty and staff may purchase their permits through their My.GeorgiaSouthern account with a credit/debit card. Payments can also be made in-person at the Parking office on either the Statesboro or Armstrong campuses.

    We encourage faculty/staff to opt for the payroll deduction method. Once you sign up for payroll deduction, there is no need to renew your permit. Fill out the PDF form, and email it to Per paycheck, the charge for a permit is $4.16 for bi-weekly employees, $8.33 for monthly employees and $10.00 for 10-month employees. Temporary employees are not eligible for payroll deduction; however, they can pay $10.00 per month or $1.00 per day at the parking office.
  • If I am an Armstrong faculty/staff member, can I park on the Statesboro Campus?
    Yes. You can park in any faculty/staff designated space; however, if you need to enter a parking lot with gate access, you’ll need to come to the Parking office on the Statesboro Campus to get a hang tag for no additional cost.
  • Can I still park on the Liberty Campus?
    Yes. Anyone can park on the Liberty Campus for no additional cost.
  • If I am a Liberty Campus faculty/staff member, can I park on the Statesboro or Armstrong campuses?
    Yes; however, you must register your vehicle in-person at the Parking office on either the Statesboro or Armstrong campus before parking to avoid a citation. There is no cost for this.
  • What no-cost parking lot options are available on the Armstrong Campus?
    There is a free lot on campus where no permit is required. That parking lot is located on the corner of University Drive and Compass Point Drive. Faculty, staff and students may park here at no cost on a first-come, first-served basis.

Last updated: 8/6/2019