Parking Lot Information

Looking to purchase a permit and can’t figure out which parking lot works best? View parking lot designation and nearby buildings for lot on the Statesboro and Armstrong campuses.

Statesboro Campus

Type: Commuter

Located near: Tennis Courts, Hanner Fieldhouse, Hollis Building

Type: Commuter, Special Permit

Located near: GS Softball Complex, Fair Road, Parrish Building, Iron Works, Tennis Courts

Type: Commuter

Located near: Student Accessibility Resource Center, J.I. Clements Stadium, Sanford Hall, Brannen Hall, Hanner Fieldhouse, Sweetheart Circle

Type: Commuter

Located near: University Store, Dining Commons, Parking and Transportation Office, Russell Union, Math and Natural Science Building, Centennial Place

Lot 29

Type: Commuter

Located near: Performing Arts Center, Nessmith Lane Building, Health Services, East Georgia College Cente

Type: Commuter

Located near: Performing Arts Center, Nessmith Lane Building, Health Services

Type: Commuter
*East Georgia College Students Only*

Located near: Performing Arts Center, Nessmith Lane Building, Health Services, Engineering Building

Type: Commuter

Located near: Performing Arts Center, Nessmith Lane Building, Health Services, Engineering Building, Nursing/Chemistry Building

Type: Commuter

Located near: Interdisciplinary Studies Building, IT Building, Carol Building, Arts Building, Blackbox Theater, Parker College of Business

Type: Commuter

Located near: Military Science Building, IT Building, College of Education, Nursing/Chemistry Building, Biology Science Building

Type: Limited Free Parking

Located near: Allen E. Paulson Stadium, Gene Bishop Fieldhouse, Freedom’s Landing


Type: Valid Permit During Class Hours (Resident or Commuter)

Located near: Recreation Activity Center, MC Anderson Sports Complex, Eugene M. Bishop Alumni Center

Armstrong Campus

Victor Hall Lot & Science Center Lot
Type: Commuter, Faculty/Staff

Located near: Victor Hall, Gamble Hall, College of Science and Mathmatics, Jenkins Hall, Science Center

Rec Center Lot
Type: Commuter, Faculty/Staff

Located near: Armstrong Recreation Center, JA Colonial Group Discovery Center, Student Union, Compass Point, Health Services, Lane Library

Type: Commuter

Located near: Armstrong Center, University Crossing, University Hall

Type: Commuter, Faculty/Staff

Located near: Victor Hall, Gamble Hall, College of Science and Mathmatics, Jenkins Hall, Science Center

Type: Resident

Located near: Windward Commons and Compass Point Residence Halls

Type: Resident

Located near: University Crossing Residence Hall

Last updated: 8/15/2024