19 renowed faculty share creative works

The Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art (BFSDoArt) presents the 2013 Faculty Exhibition from November 15 through December 13 in the Contemporary Gallery at Georgia Southern University’s Center for Art & Theatre. The exhibition includes an artist lecture by new faculty member Sarah Bielski, on Wednesday, November 20, at 5 p.m. in the Visual Arts Building, Room 2071. A reception for this exhibition will be held on Thursday, December 5, at 5 p.m. in the Center for Art & Theatre. At this time, visitors will have the opportunity to meet and discuss art with faculty of the Department.

This exhibition will feature the work of 19 renowned faculty in all disciplines and reflects each artist’s academic specialty as well as their individual endeavors. “Many of these artists are unique because they spend a great deal of time and energy with their students. Yet, they still manage to continue their own studio practice and produce great work,” said Gallery Director Marc Mitchell. “Many of our faculty members are known both locally and nationally. Having an exhibition such as this allows us to highlight their artistic achievements. In addition, it is a fantastic way for both students and the local community to see all of their works in one space.”

This year the BFSDoArt welcomes two new faculty members, Sarah Bielski and Kimberly Riner, who will be exhibiting alongside Donald Armel, Jessica Burke, Patricia Carter, Elsie Taliaferro Hill, Jessica Hines, Derek Larson, Christina Lemon, Santanu Majumdar, Julie McGuire, Marc Mitchell, Hans Mortensen, Marc Moulton, Onyile B. Onyile, Ed Rushton, Jeff Schmuki, Tiffanie Townsend and Pat Walker.



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