Form & Content awards and reception Friday, March 31

The Georgia Southern University Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art (BFSDoArt) will present its annual undergraduate student exhibition, Form & Content, in the Center for Art & Theatre’s University Gallery, March 30 – April 7.

The exhibition honors the rigorous work of students in art foundations courses, such as Drawing I, Drawing II, 2D Design, and 3D Design. Art foundations courses provide students with the fundamentals of art and create a solid infrastructure that is needed for a career in fine arts.

Showcasing the outstanding effort of beginning art students, Form & Content allows students to submit work created throughout the 2016/2017 academic year, demonstrating the expectations of the students in their future BFSDoArt classes.

Awards will be given to the Best in Show, Best in Drawing I, Best in Drawing II, Best in 2-D and Best in 3-D. Submissions will be reviewed by national artist and University of South Carolina Assistant Professor of Sculpture Naomi Falk. Focusing on creating an emotional response and deeper understandings of materials, spaces, and relationships, Falk’s work investigates the effects of a person’s physical participation with art.

Students featured in the exhibit are Elaine Ball, Jenna Bloser, Shelby Bragg, Rakel Brown, Peyton M. Butts, Bailey Cawthon, Emily Coats, Soleil B. Collins, Charlynne Crutcher, Kristen Daniel, Lindsey Dalton, Anna DeLoach, Paige Distler, Paige Dixon, Lisa Edwards, Juanita Fludd, Lauren Friedlander, AnnaBrooke H. Greene, Gabrielle Kastner, Samantha Lanza, Ryan Lee, John R. Lewis, Maya Malins, Isabel Massell, Tanner Maxey, JD McCarthy, Anna Merritt, Stefan Olsson, Caleb O’Neill, Madeline Owens, Adam Sapp, Caitlin Shelby, Marion Trainor, Allison Vagase, Gherri Weekes-Garnette, Clint Wells, Andrew Wiggins, and Jodie Wisner.

Winners will be announced at the public reception and award ceremony March 31, from 5-7 p.m. at the Center for Art & Theatre.


Posted in Gallery Programming