Georgia Southern Theatre

The Georgia Southern Theatre program is staffed by theatre faculty from the Department of  Communication Arts. Performers are made up of students, faculty, staff and community members.

Theatre majors are involved in the full production experience and become well-rounded theatre artists. Students in this program have opportunities in acting, design, dramaturgy, theatre-focused research and criticism, production management, technology, musical theatre and video production.

We are a hands-on program that creates a culture of engagement that unites theory and practice, extends the learning environment beyond the classroom, and develops an appreciation for the historical and contemporary global diversity of theatre and performance.

The program is committed to exploring a wide range of historical and contemporary drama and production styles, as well as emergent theory, practice, and technology; and to promoting a culture of social engagement and global awareness at both the program and university levels. Students can choose between the Statesboro Campus and the Armstrong Campus.


Outside the classroom theatre students are active in productions as actors, designers, stage managers, dramaturgs and assistant directors. In addition, our students are active in Theatre South (Statesboro) and Masquers (Armstrong)—student organizations that sponsor workshops and productions; Alpha Psi Omega—a national theatre honors fraternity that promotes service and extracurricular training. Our students have the opportunity to attend the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival, The South East Theatre Conference, and The Georgia Theatre Conference for workshops, job fairs, and networking opportunities. Students from our program work in summer stock companies, community theatres, and participate in internship programs nationally.

Georgia Southern University’s Theatre & Performance Program is an institutional member of The National Association of Schools of Theatre (NAST).

Last updated: 10/7/2022