Dr. Tim Kintzinger

Senior Lecturer
Email: tkintzinger@georgiasouthern.edu
Phone: 912-478-5396
B.S. Binghamton University
M.M. Binghamton University
D.M.A. University of Missouri-Kansas City
About Dr. Kintzinger
Dr. Tim Kintzinger is the current trumpet teacher on the faculty of the Gretsch School of Music at Georgia Southern University. Dr. K, as the students call him, began teaching full time at Georgia Southern with the Southern Pride Marching Band in 2014. Since he began leading the trumpet studio, in the past three years, the Georgia Southern Trumpet ensemble has been invited to compete in the National Trumpet Competition as well as the International Women’s Brass Conference ensemble competition, and toured Germany for two weeks in May 2023.
Dr. K is highly sought after as a clinician throughout Georgia and the Southeast, working with marching bands, concert groups, and jazz ensembles. He received his DMA in Trumpet performance from the University of Missouri-Kansas City with a cognate in Jazz Studies. He has completed a year of post-doctoral study in Wind Literature and Conducting at the University of South Carolina. He also holds the MM in Trumpet Performance and the BS in Mechanical Engineering from Binghamton University in New York.
Last updated: 12/14/2023