Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a GRE requirement to apply?
Can I start the program with an induction certificate?
You can start our Instructional Technology program with an induction certificate but must have the professional certificate to add the field and upgrade the certificate. What that means is that in order to add the school library media certification, for example, and receive a certificate upgrade, you must successfully complete our program, hold a level four or higher renewable Professional certificate in any field, and pass the School Library Media GACE content assessment.
What options are available as part of the Instructional Technology Program?
We have 4 main degree options:
M.Ed. Non-Certification cohort in Instructional Technology (36 credit-hours)
M.Ed. in Instructional Technology with ITEC certification (36 credit-hours)
M.Ed. in Instructional Technology with School Library Media certification (36 credit-hours)
M.Ed. in Instructional Technology with dual certification in ITEC and SLM (42 credit-hours)
Ed. S. in Instructional Technology (30 credit-hours)
What M.Ed. program is right for me?
The Instructional Technology Certification program prepares professionals to become technology leaders that directly contribute to student learning by focusing on technology-enabled learning, professional development and technology-integration processes. In Georgia, the ITEC Certification is not an initial certification. Therefore, this certification program is only available to applicants who hold a T-4 Georgia Teacher Certification in any P-12 field.
The School Library Media Certification program prepares professionals that directly contribute to student learning by focusing on inquiry and research that use ideas and information in many formats. Through collaboration with the learning community, our program graduates are ready to take on leadership roles in building collections, developing learning spaces, promoting reading, and fostering multiple literacies. In Georgia, school library media is an initial certification so you may become a school library media specialist without holding a teaching certificate.
The dual certification program may offer you increased job options in the future. Keep in mind that you are not eligible for the dual certification option if you do not hold a clear, renewable Georgia teaching certificate.
If you are not a certified teacher, but you want an M.Ed. in Instructional Technology to apply in other contexts like the military, corporate, or higher education settings, apply to the M.Ed. Non-Certification cohort in Instructional Technology! We offer classes for a special cohort of M.Ed. students focused on learning contexts outside of p-12 schools. Students in this cohort do not earn teacher certification or certification for Instructional Technology (p-12 schools). Coursework and projects in this cohort focus on adult learners in contexts such as higher education professional development, higher education instructional technology, corporate training, military training, and medical education. Students are admitted for this cohort once a year, and begin in the fall semester.
Can I earn an endorsement in Online Teaching with my M.Ed.?
As part of your M.Ed. you may complete a 9 credit-hour endorsement in Online Teaching. These courses-developed by Valdosta State University-are listed below.
CIED 7601 Course Management Systems for E-Learning. (3 hours).
CIED 7602 Resources and Strategies for E-Learning. (3 hours).
CIED 7603 Design and Delivery of Instruction for E-Learning. (3 hours).
Please note that if you want to complete the Online Teaching Endorsement with either the Instructional Technology or School Library Media concentrations, you will complete three additional hours beyond those required for your degree program. If you are pursuing the dual-certification track and want the endorsement for online teaching, you would need to take 9 credit-hours beyond what is required for the degree.
Can I obtain School Library Media Certification as part of the Ed.S. program?
School Library Media certification is available at the Master’s level only. If you already have a Master’s degree and want School Library Media Specialist certification, you may apply to the program for Add-On Certification option.
How do the new Georgia PSC rules for certificate upgrades impact the Instructional Technology Program?
Our M.Ed. in Instructional Technology is approved as “new field” upgrade by the GaPSC at the S-5 level. You can investigate your certificate upgrade options with the GaPSC online Certificate Upgrade Advisor.
Do I have to be a certified teacher to earn my certification as a school library media specialist in Georgia?
No, in Georgia you may earn your initial certification at the Master’s degree level.
Do I have to be a certified teacher to earn my certification for Instructional Technology in Georgia?
Yes. Georgia does not allow initial certification in Instructional Technology. Note that this means the dual-certification option is open only to certified teachers.
When can I register? When do classes start?
How can I learn more about the experience of taking a course online?
Review the resources at SOLO (Student Online Learning Orientation, and the Student Online Readiness Tool (
What is the cost of tuition?
For updated information on tuition costs please refer to the Bursar’s Office.
Is Financial Aid available?
Instructional Technology is not a critical need field, so students are not eligible for HOPE Scholarships. Financial Aid information is available at
Financial aid counselors are assigned to students based on last names. Access the list here.
Information about College of Education graduate student scholarships can be found here.
How does the admission process work?
To apply for admission, go to the COGS Admissions page.
Students holding a clear, renewable Georgia Teaching certificate (T4) can be “quick admitted” to the program if the application is submitted prior to the cutoff date. To be fully admitted, official transcripts from any institution of higher education attended must be submitted prior to registration for the second semester.
I’ve been admitted. What should I do next?
I still have a few more questions. Who should I contact?
Can I be employed while in the program?
Yes. The program is designed for working professionals and their schedule, and the coursework is 100% online.
Can I transfer my courses in from a previous program?
According to the Georgia Southern Catalog, an applicant can transfer in up to 6 credit hours at the discretion of the program director, if these courses were taken within the last 7 years from the date of application. For specific courses, please submit a copy of your transcripts and a list of courses you hope to bring into the program to your academic advisor.
Contact Information
M.Ed., Graduate Certificate, and Endorsement Advising
Ms. Kelly Kennedy
Graduate Academic Services Center
College of Education, Room 3166
P.O. Box 8083
Statesboro, GA 30460
Phone: (912) 478-1447
Ed.S. Advising
Dr. Mete Akcaoglu
Phone: (912) 478-0005
Last updated: 2/26/2024