All Graduate Programs

All Graduate Programs

Use the search function or column sorting features of the table below to find the degree, format or location of your preferred graduate program.

Click on the links below to start the application process and view program requirements and deadlines.

Georgia Southern is now offering courses in select graduate programs – including the MBA – at Fort Stewart and/or Hunter Army Airfield!*

*Full program offerings at these locations are pending approval by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. Additionally, federal financial aid is not available for courses taken at these locations until approval is granted by the Department of Education.

ProgramDegreeType of Degree
Class FormatLocation Offered
Applied Computing Ph.D.DoctoralIn PersonStatesboroAllen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing
Curriculum StudiesEd.DDoctoralHybridStatesboroCollege of Education
Doctor of Clinical PsychologyPsy.D.DoctoralIn PersonStatesboro
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

Doctor of Nursing PracticeDNPDoctoralOnlineOnlineWaters College of Health Professions
Doctor of Public HealthDr.P.H.DoctoralIn PersonStatesboroJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health
Doctor of Physical TherapyDPTDoctoralIn PersonArmstrongWaters College of Health Professions
Educational LeadershipEd.D.DoctoralOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
EngineeringPh.D.DoctoralIn PersonStatesboroAllen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing
Environmental SciencePh.D.DoctoralIn PersonArmstrong, StatesboroCollege of Science and Mathematics
Logistics Supply Chain ManagementPh.D.DoctoralIn PersonStatesboroParker College of Business
Post-Bachelor of Science in Nursing to Doctor of Nursing PracticeBSN-DNPDoctoralOnlineOnlineWaters College of Health Professions
Instructional TechnologyEd.S.SpecialistOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
Reading EducationEd.S.SpecialistOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
School PsychologyEd.S.SpecialistHybridStatesboroCollege of Education
Teaching and LearningEd.S.SpecialistOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
Master of Accounting, WebMAccWebMAccMaster'sOnlineOnlineParker College of Business
Master of Accounting, MAccMAccMaster'sIn PersonStatesboroParker College of Business
Master of Arts, EnglishM.A.Master'sIn PersonStatesboroCollege of Arts and Humanities
Master of Arts, HistoryM.A.Master'sIn Person
Armstrong, Statesboro

College of Arts and Humanities
Master of Arts, Professional Communication & LeadershipM.A.Master'sIn Person, Online
Armstrong, Statesboro

College of Arts and Humanities
Master of Arts, Social ScienceM.A.Master'sHybrid, OnlineStatesboro
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

Master of Arts, SpanishM.A.Master'sHybrid, OnlineArmstrong, StatesboroCollege of Arts and Humanities
MAT, Secondary Education Certification (6-12)MATMaster'sOnlineOnline
College of Education
MAT, Middle Grades CertificationMATMaster'sOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
MAT, P-12 Spanish Education Certification (P-12) MATMaster'sHybrid, OnlineStatesboroCollege of Education
MAT, Special Education Certification (Summer Admit Only)MATMaster'sOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
MAT, Elementary Education Certification (P-5) MATMaster'sOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
MAT, Health and Physical Education (Summer Admit Only)MATMaster'sOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
Master of Business Administration, WebMBAWebMBAMaster'sOnlineOnlineParker College of Business
Master of Business AdministrationMBAMaster'sIn Person

Parker College of Business
Master of Education, Curriculum and Instruction – Accomplished TeachingM.Ed.Master'sOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
Master of Education, Counselor EducationM.Ed.Master'sIn PersonStatesboroCollege of Education
Master of Education, Elementary EducationM.Ed.Master'sOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
Master of Education, Educational LeadershipM.Ed.Master'sOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
Master of Education, Evaluation, Assessment, Research, and LearningM.Ed.Master'sOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
Master of Education, Higher Education AdministrationM.Ed.Master'sHybrid, OnlineStatesboroCollege of Education
Master of Education, Instructional TechnologyM.Ed.Master'sOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
Master of Education, Middle Grades EducationM.Ed.Master'sOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
Master of Education, Reading EducationM.Ed.Master'sOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
Master of Education, Secondary EducationM.Ed.Master'sOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
Master of Education, Special EducationM.Ed.Master'sOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
Master of MusicM.M.Master'sIn PersonStatesboroCollege of Arts and Humanities
Master of Fine ArtsMFAMaster'sIn PersonStatesboroCollege of Arts and Humanities
Master of Health AdministrationMHAMaster'sIn PersonStatesboroJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health
Master of Public AdministrationMPAMaster'sHybrid, OnlineStatesboro
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

Master of Public HealthMPHMaster'sIn PersonStatesboroJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health
Master of Science, Applied EconomicsMSAEMaster'sOnlineOnlineParker College of Business
Master of Science, Manufacturing EngineeringMSMEMaster'sIn Person, OnlineStatesboro
Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing

Master of Science, Applied GeographyM.S.Master'sIn PersonStatesboroCollege of Science and Mathematics
Master of Science, Applied Physical ScienceM.S.Master'sIn PersonArmstrong, StatesboroCollege of Science and Mathematics
Master of Science, Athletic Training - ArmstrongM.S.Master'sIn PersonArmstrongWaters College of Health Professions
Master of Science in Psychology, Behavior AnalysisM.S.Master'sIn PersonArmstrong
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

Master of Science, BiologyM.S.Master'sIn PersonArmstrong, StatesboroCollege of Science and Mathematics
Master of Science, Civil EngineeringMSCEMaster'sIn PersonStatesboroAllen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing
Master of Science, Communication Sciences and DisordersM.S.Master'sIn PersonArmstrongWaters College of Health Professions
Master of Science, Computer ScienceMSCSMaster'sHybrid, OnlineArmstrong, StatesboroAllen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing
Master of Science, Criminal Justice & CriminologyM.S.Master'sHybrid, Online

College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

Master of Science, Electrical and Computer EngineeringMSECEMaster'sIn Person, Hybrid, OnlineArmstrong, StatesboroAllen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing
Master of Science, Environmental ScienceM.S.Master'sIn PersonArmstrong, StatesboroCollege of Science and Mathematics
Master of Science in Psychology, Experimental PsychologyM.S.Master'sIn PersonStatesboro
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

Master of Science, Information TechnologyMSITMaster'sIn Person, OnlineArmstrong, Statesboro, Fort Stewart, Hunter Army AirfieldAllen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing
Master of Science, Kinesiology, Exercise Science ConcentrationM.S.Master'sIn PersonStatesboroWaters College of Health Professions
Master of Science, Kinesiology, Sport and Exercise Psychology ConcentrationM.S.Master'sIn PersonStatesboroWaters College of Health Professions
Master of Science, Kinesiology, Coaching Education ConcentrationM.S.Master'sOnlineOnlineWaters College of Health Professions
Master of Science, Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementM.S.Master'sOnlineOnlineParker College of Business
Master of Science, MathematicsM.S.Master'sIn PersonStatesboroCollege of Science and Mathematics
Master of Science, Mechanical EngineeringMSMEMaster'sIn PersonStatesboroAllen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing
Master of Science, Sport ManagementM.S.Master'sOnlineOnlineWaters College of Health Professions
Master of Science, Sports MedicineMSSMMaster'sIn PersonArmstrongWaters College of Health Professions
Master of Science, Nursing with a Concentration in Nursing EducationMSNMaster'sOnlineOnlineWaters College of Health Professions
Post-MSN Certificate – Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner
Post-MSN Certificate

CertificateOnlineOnlineWaters College of Health Professions
Post-MSN Certificate – Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner
Post-MSN Certificate

CertificateOnlineOnlineWaters College of Health Professions
Certificate in Applied EconomicsGCAECertificateOnlineOnlineParker College of Business
Certificate in Applied Linguistics/Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)TESOLCertificateOnlineOnlineCollege of Arts and Humanities
Certificate in Applied Research and Evaluation Certificate ProgramCertificateCertificateOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
Certificate in Computer ProgrammingCertificateCertificateOnline OnlineAllen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing
Certificate in Curriculum and InstructionCertificateCertificateOnline OnlineCollege of Education
Certificate in CybercrimeCertificateCertificateOnlineOnline
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

Certificate in Educational Leadership Tier ICertificateCertificateOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
Post-MSN Certificate – Family Nurse Practitioner
Post-MSN Certificate

CertificateOnlineOnlineWaters College of Health Professions
Certificate in Instructional TechnologyCertificateCertificateOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
Certificate in Logistics and TransportationCertificateCertificate OnlineOnlineParker College of Business
Certificate in Nonprofit Management, Leadership, and InnovationCertificateCertificateHybridStatesboro
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Certificate in Operations and Supply ManagementCertificateCertificateOnlineOnlineParker College of Business
Post-MSN Certificate – Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
Post-MSN Certificate

CertificateOnlineOnlineWaters College of Health Professions
Certificate in Professional Communication and LeadershipCertificateCertificateIn Person
Armstrong, Statesboro

College of Arts and Humanities
Certificate in Public HealthCertificateCertificateOnlineOnlineJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health
Certificate in Public HistoryCertificateCertificateIn PersonStatesboroCollege of Arts and Humanities
Certificate in School Library MediaCertificateCertificateOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
Endorsement: AutismEndorsementEndorsementOnlineOnlineCollege of Educattion
Endorsement: Classroom Teacher of Reading ProgramEndorsementEndorsementOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
Endorsement in Computer ScienceEndorsementEndorsementOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
Endorsement: English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Education ESOLEndorsementOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
Endorsement: Gifted In-fieldEndorsementEndorsementOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
Endorsement: Positive Behavior Intervention and SupportsEndorsementEndorsementOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
Endorsement: Online Teaching and LearningEndorsementEndorsementOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
Endorsement: Teacher LeadershipEndorsementEndorsementOnlineOnlineCollege of Education
Endorsement in Teacher Support and CoachingEndorsementEndorsementOnlineOnlineCollege of Education

Last updated: 11/27/2023