Driving & Parking Directions

Visit the Georgia Southern University Planetarium

The Georgia Southern Planetarium is located in the Math/Physics Building (#203 on map) across Herty Dr., from Hanner Fieldhouse from Hwy 67/Fair Road.

From Savannah

Take I-16 W toward Macon, traveling approximately 40 miles to Statesboro exit 127. Turn right on GA Hwy 67 N, and travel ~12 miles to campus, on the left. Turn left on Herty Drive. Follow visitor parking instructions below.

From Atlanta/Macon

Take I-16 E to the Statesboro exit 116. Turn left onto US Highway 301 N. Travel ~12 miles to campus, on the right. Turn right on Tillman Road, then right onto Fair Road/GA Hwy 67, then right on Herty Drive. Follow visitor parking instructions below.

From Augusta

Take US Highway 25 South, traveling approximately 80 miles to Highway 301-Bus. in Statesboro. Turn right onto 301 S(North Main Street), and travel through town ~3 miles. Follow signs and turn left on GA Hwy 67, then turn right on Herty Drive. Follow visitor parking instructions below.


Visitor Parking:

Weekdays for Scheduled Groups: 

Cars: From Herty Drive, turn left on Dorman, and right at the stop sign behind the Math/Physics Building and Russell Union into the Visitor Parking area. Place your visitor parking pass on your dashboard. Look for the green trash dumpster to the left of the back of the Math/Physics Building and follow the sidewalk behind it up to the single glass door entrance. Take the first hallway to the right and follow it to the blue round wall, then turn left to the front entrance of the planetarium.

Buses: Follow Herty Drive down and park on the right side next to the Hanner Sports Complex. Students will exit the bus to the left and follow the sidewalk around the cul-de-sac toward the parking gates.  The planetarium will be to the left  in the Math/Physics Building.

Evening and Weekends: Continue driving down Herty Drive and turn left at the end through the open parking gate, then right turn into the faculty/staff parking lot across from the front of the Math/Physics Building. (The parking gate opens at 5:30 p.m. weekdays.)

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Last updated: 3/9/2022