Changes in University Records Center Procedures
In order to more accurately archive University records, the following changes are being made to University Records Center procedures. Changes are effective May 15, 2014:
- Record retrieval (check out) requests will be completed by issuing the entire box to the requesting department rather than single files to maintain the accuracy of archived records inventory.
- Records retrieved must be returned to the Records Center within thirty (30) days of check out. The Records Center will send a reminder to the requesting department requesting the material be returned.
- Should any changes be made to the contents of the box being returned, the department is responsible for notifying the Records Center so that inventory records can be updated.
- If records are not returned within thirty (30) days, the records will be noted as permanently transferred back to the department. If the records are subsequently returned to Records Center again after the 30 days, the records must be returned as if they are being submitted the first time. This means the records will require a new Control Card and be housed in a new box.
These changes are being implemented in an effort to better inventory and track departmental records. Thank you for following these changes in procedure.
Please direct any questions and/or concerns to the Records Center at 478-5417.
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