Sending Records to Archives

Sending Records to Archives

When to send records to Archives:  Records should be transferred to Archives and Records Management when they become inactive and are no longer needed on a recurring basis or according to some set schedule.  Methods to consider include the following:

  • Annual Cut off Method:  The simplest and most common method is to break off the files yearly either on a calendar, school, or fiscal year basis.
  • Active to Inactive Method:  This method is simply based upon transferring files when they are no longer needed regularly and become closed or inactive.  Files which may lend themselves to this method include project files, personnel files or similar records which are active for an indefinite period, often lasting longer than one year. Keep each file in an “active” folder until it becomes inactive or until the occurrence of a particular event. Once the files become “closed” or “inactive”, break them into annual blocks by the annual cut-off method described above.

How to send your records:  Once it has been decided to transfer records, there are some important procedures that should be observed.  These include:

  • Obtaining boxes: The standard box for records storage is a “records center box” measuring 10”H x 12”W x 15” L. An example of the boxes required can be found here. Any brand from you preferred provider will work as long as they fit the dimensions listed above. Departments may contact Archives by email and let them know that they have boxes that are ready to be archived and we will arrange pick-up of those boxes, or place a work order with the SEAL team.
  • Packing the boxes:  The dimensions of a standard records center box are such that letter size file folders will stand upright in one direction and legal size in the other.  In order to facilitate retrieval it is important that the files be placed in the box in the same order as they came from your original files.  We strongly recommend that a member of the office transferring records pack the box and complete the Record Control Card as they are familiar with the records being transferred. We recommend removing any unnecessary items from the file series such as three ring binders, metal clasps, paper clips, binder clips, rubber bands, etc. These items take up space and lead to the deterioration of records.
  • Do NOT tape the top of the box.
  • Do NOT over or under fill boxes.  Each box should weigh approx. 40 lbs.
  • If you have a box where folders will not stand up then pack the back of the box with crumpled acid free paper where folders will stand up.  Do not let files lie horizontally in the box.
  • Preparing the Record Control Card:  The Records Control Card should contain the following information:
  • Box Number: Leave blank – Archives will complete
  • Location Number: Leave blank – Archives will complete
  • Date Received: Leave blank – Archives will complete
  • Originating Dept.:  Include name of dept., name of person responsible for the records, phone number and PO Box number.
  • From: Date of oldest record.
  • To: Date of latest record.
  • Name of Record: Identify the records in the box.  If additional space is needed to list records, please attach a typed listing on a separate page.
  • Years to Retain: Please use the USG retention schedules found at this link to determine how long your records should be stored in Archives. Please write the nine digit retention code you are using to determine the years to retain on the control card.
  • Destruction Year: This date should be the fiscal year in which the item should be destroyed. (Dates are based on the most recent item in the box not the date delivered to Archives and Records Management.)

Place the Records Control Card in the box. Each box MUST have a Records Control Card.  Boxes will be returned if Records Control Card is not completed in full. The department should keep a photocopy of the Records Control Cards until Archives returns the originals with assigned box and location numbers.  Original control cards will be returned to departments within 72 hours of records being transferred. Once received, these originals should replace the photocopies and be retained indefinitely.

  • Deliver boxes to Archives                                                                                                                                                                      Boxes can be delivered by the department to our warehouse at 375 Lanier Drive in Statesboro, or you may contact Archives through email and we will arrange pick-up of your boxes. DO NOT simply drop off boxes at the Records Center.  Ensure a staff member checks them in.
  • Delivery Receipt                                                                                                                                                                                        Upon delivery to the Records Center, a staff member will complete a Records Receipt Form indicating the Department, Date and number of boxes received.  A copy of this form will be retained by the Records Center and a copy sent to the department.  It is imperative that the department retain their copy as this is the only acknowledgement of receipt of documents. If the boxes are delivered by the ETS department the delivery receipt will be mailed, along with the updated control cards,  to the department contact through campus mail.

Last updated: 9/25/2024