New Quickit Parking Ticket Payment System

Georgia Southern’s Parking and Transportation Office recently installed a new, more convenient way to pay parking fines. It’s never a “feel good moment” to find a parking violation on your windshield. There are times, though, that you slip up and park in the wrong place and now you have a “ticket.” The new system, which made the news on February 9, is called Parking at Georgia SouthernQuickit. The Quickit app, available for iOS and Android devices, provides a way for students and others to pay parking fines without the need to keep up with the little yellow envelopes or running the risk of forgetting to pay.

The Savannah-based start-up corporation designed the Quickit app to work with a university’s or city’s existing parking citation system. When Georgia Southern’s parking and Transportation staff looked at Quickit, they found that the app did not yet support EDC Corporation’s Automated Issuance Management System (AIMS), the system in use at Georgia Southern. Daniel Jenkins, a system administrator for Business and Finance Information Technology (BFIT), stepped in to bring together the technical staff of EDC and that of Quickit to facilitate the creation of an interface to make the two work together. The project spanned three months culminating with the rollout of the Quickit app for Georgia Southern at the beginning of the Spring semester.


Posted in Archive News, BFIT, Innovation, IT News