GS Wireless

Wireless Connectivity
Connecting to wireless networks makes accessing the internet convenient and efficient. Both secure and guest wireless network access is available on the Armstrong, Liberty, and Statesboro Campuses. GS Wireless, Georgia Southern’s wireless network system, is comprised of four wireless networks (or SSIDs) that can be used by Georgia Southern students, faculty, staff, and guests. Keep reading to find out more information about our wireless networks.
Campus Wireless
GSCampus is the secure wireless network designed for use by students, faculty, and staff on the Statesboro, Armstrong, and Liberty Campuses. To connect to this network, users must have valid MyGeorgiaSouthern credentials.
Guest Wireless
If you’re a guest on one of our campuses, welcome! We invite you to connect to GSGuest, an open network designed to allow you to register for access to GS Wireless for up to 5 days while on campus.
Statesboro Campus Housing
In addition to GSCampus, students in residential facilities on the Statesboro Campus have access to MyResNet, powered by Apogee, which can be used to connect Smart TVs, gaming consoles, and other WiFi enabled devices in addition to laptops and mobile devices.
Armstrong Campus Housing
Students in residential facilities on the Armstrong Campus utilize MyResNet services for both internet and cable access.
MyTech Support
Need help connecting to our wireless networks? Our MyTech Support representatives are happy to assist you. Contact us today.
Last updated: 3/18/2022