EAGLE ALERT (All Campuses)

All campuses will move to remote operations on Tuesday (1/21) and Wednesday (1/22) due to potential winter weather.


About the Division of Information Technology Services

In the Division of Information Technology Services (ITS), we serve, support and maintain the robust, modern technology environment for the Georgia Southern University community. We’re intensely focused on meeting the technology needs of students, faculty, staff, and visitors for our three-campus university in support of our mission, the university’s mission, and the mission of the University System of Georgia.

Service & Support

MyTech Support, our centralized service desk, operates as a hub for technology information and assistance for the Georgia Southern Statesboro, Armstrong and Liberty campuses, providing multi-level support via phone, email, or ticketing system for issues like account locks, password resets, and connection issues. Need tech support, a recommendation, or just want to make a comment? Contact us.

Technology Tools & Resources

ITS provides support to the university in the form of technology hardware, infrastructure, and software in addition to its service and support model. Students, faculty, and staff on the Georgia Southern campuses have access to a deep cache of tools to help them be successful in their roles in the university community. Looking for a particular service? Take a look at our Quick Start Guide.


The Division of Information Technology Support consists of 9 departments, all focused on service and support of technology resources for the University community.

Learn more >

Last updated: 2/14/2023